
  1. Renee Lassak Renee Lassak United States says:

    Pairing 50%a cortisone cream with 50%tea tree gets them out of your roaecia fast. Witch hazel and tea tree works for lashes on a q-tip just be easy on the t tree and carefully rub the base of lashes not to get in eyes. For your lips, you’ll know if they’re in there you’ll feel crusty bumps, also cortisone with tea tree, also easy on the tee tree because your lips are delicate. I have a bad infestation in my hair and noting seems to get them out. I’ve used shampoos, tea tree and topical cortisone solution and it doesn’t work and my hair is falling out fast. I’m thinking about using animal ivermectin and fist metronidazole. Can someone tell me how to use it? Dosage and brands please I’m desperate.

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