
  1. Kelly Tackett Kelly Tackett United States says:

    They not only damage your skin and rip every bit of self confidence you once had in yourself away, they make you lose hair, and they’re contagious so if you have kids there goes all physical affection. Cuz you are terrified to even just hug them cuz u don’t ever want them to go through what you are. The money spent on products that never seem to work makes people go broke! Nobody wants you cuz you look terrible so the thought u might die alone, hating yourself wishing someone would be there to help you thru it, well let’s say it’s just about enough to make you withdraw from everyone everything u once loved doing and isolate yourself. And that’s not all, ohhhh it gets better!! The effect they have on your mental health is catastrophic! It’s traumatic asf when you know something isnt right with ur body. U know when you live your whole life feeling fine then one day wake up with tiny blonde hairs ALL over parts of your body that once were smooth as a baby’s bottom and feel crawling sensations all damn day and bites everywhere making you look like a meth head and u go to the 10 different doctors, all of which literally call you crazy and delusional. In some cases ppl have been sent to a mental hospital for evaluation! Look at morgellons disease for example. That shit is REAL! And they write everyone off with delusional parasitosis! They send them home with NOTHING but a dose of you’re fucking crazy and delusional have a good day! The ones who are suppose to help us! I guess u wouldn’t know how traumatic that is unless you go through it yourself.
    Yes everyone has them but people with low immune systems or oily skin are more prone for an overgrowth. Or maybe even you just go into a store and try on the wrong t shirt one day or have a share a first kiss on a first date and your life is ruined for years if not until you die. All because todays docs are too full of themselves, lazy and ignorant to research anything outside of what they learned in their textbooks 100 yrs ago so it goes left untreated until someone can’t take it no more and offs themself.
    ITS MORE THAN HARMFUL it’s deadly! Even if u don’t die physically. The you that u once were dies and all that exists now is a shell with sores all over it and hollow inside.
    That is all. Lol

    • Davina Butler Hill Davina Butler Hill United States says:

      Amen, girl, Amen
      I'm experiencing hair loss as well. My eye has swollen up twice. I could go on and on, meanwhile, getting fused at and told that I'm imagining them. It absolutely is mental abuse. I've literally cried, asking God what purpose these things serve besides sending somebody through the nine layers of hell.

    • Cassie Moore Cassie Moore United States says:

      Yes!!!! I cried reading your comment. Literally my life. I'm so scared to hug my kids. I feel so ashamed. Have u found any more solutions?

    • BRYAN HALL BRYAN HALL United States says:

      Your doctors are lazy and won't even bother to look under a microscope. Yes, Demodex mites are real and proliferate for many reasons, like immunosuppression and/or drug use. Get Ivermectin any way you can, demand it, and not just one pill. It takes a series of 5 to eliminate Demodex breves and any potential coinfection with scabies. Regardless of warning, you are a mammal and liquid Ivermectin dip is quite effective as well, and you can see it work as soon as you put it on, which gives you peace of mind.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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