1. Bob Harms Bob Harms United States says:

    Were vaccinations involved in the study...I know some unvaccinated with long term eating food issues involving taste...and my experience retaining anti bodies with no long term issues or re infection.  After 2019 I had pneumonia and was isolated without positive covid infection.  The drs. said we don't believe the tests.  I had 104 temp was isolated treated like an animal not a human.  I was exposed to covid I suppose when my wife tested positive 3 months later and was hospitalized.  In 2021 I had heart surgery and was tested for covid several times all negative but every 6 mos. I tested positive for anti bodies....I have not warn a mask except to the clinics to be tested.  I worked in ER in the 60's if the treatment I have received were given to any patient like me People would have been fired.  I had my gall bladder removed the protocols utilized now the treatment of people is in itself sickening.  I am off all meds feeling great losing weight my blood sugar tested 88 and varies between 88 and 120 I check regularly. I am 77 I am not a fool.  Covid was real but how it was dealt with was ridiculous.   Quoting my cardiologist no body knows and that was and is because people lied and continue to lie.  It is sick

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