1. Maria Vonada Maria Vonada United States says:

    What happens when you have anemia and are taking iron supplements for weeks with vitamin c? You then get sick as the five stages of toxicity mention. You have an endoscopy and see mucus damage? You still have terrible tingling upon moving you legs.?  
    What is too much iron? How can you get it out of your system if you have too much?
    The doctors I see do not think this is why im feeling intentionally bad. Why my legs tingly like never before. I have insomnia. I used to sleep 8-9 hours no problem. I have absolutely not sec drive.  
    My iron numbers are not too bad, from what they say. But it is the vomiting and how closely I followed the stages, but now what?? Am I better? Does iron leave a postmenopausal women's body?  Will the next thing be liver failure or kidney failure?  

    What can I say to get the doctors to hear me? What words will work?

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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