1. dennis byron dennis byron United States says:

    This article begins:

    "Medicare Part D provides help to beneficiaries struggling with the cost of prescriptions drugs..."

    Nonsense article... perhaps based on nonsense research or possibly just a journalist who does not know much about Medicare. No one signed up for Medicare Part D should be struggling with the cost of prescription drugs. Both the premiums and the drugs themselves are free (possibly with a nominal co-pay of a buck or two) for anyone below 133% of the Federal poverty level. They are signed up for this automatically based on other programs such as Me3diciad (the 50% who don't sign up are not misinformed; they just don't want welfare).

    In addition, many states have additional assistance for couples making up to $90,000 a year in retirement (Hint: that's a lot when you are retired). Many others have secondary drug insurance from former employers and other sources. If they do not fall in one of these three categories of low or middle or upper middle income senior (in other words if you are rich), they can buy secondary insurance to protect themselves against the donut hole. In other words, the donut hole is of minimal effect.

    And oh by the way, very few people are affected by the donut hole no matter what their income level and whether or not they get the drugs free. This whole article is a joke !

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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