1. Gene Ralno Gene Ralno United States says:

    Seems inconsistent with Australia's experience.  Since 1990, Australia’s homicide rate has decreased by nine percent compared to a decline in the U.S. by 39.4 percent.  Since 2001, Australia’s armed robberies declined by one-third compared to 18.5 percent in the U.S.  I used these periods because they’re the ones cherry picked by leftists interested only in making their point.  For example, since 1990, robberies in the U.S. have declined by 46 percent, a figure never cited by leftist media.  And they never mention the fact that firearm sales tripled simultaneous with a significant decline in all the recorded crime categories.  The undeniable downside to Australia’s confiscation effort is during the past 10 years, recorded assaults increased 40 percent compared to a U.S. decline of 16 percent.  And during the same period, sexual assaults in Australia increased 20 percent compared to a 15 percent decline in the U.S.  Said another way, mass murders by any means reveal as many as in the 10 years after Australia’s colossal confiscation as there were in the 10 previous years.  A direct comparison of murder rates isn’t meaningful because according to the GAO, illegal aliens commit 5,639 murders annually in the U.S. while the number of illegal aliens are negligible in Australia.

    By now, a majority know America has a small problem with mental health treatment and institutionalization. But it's "a" problem, not "the" problem. Fact is "the" problem is vanishing. Both nations need to start dealing with the real problem -- not gun murders -- just murders. Of 218 nations, the U.S. ranks 98th. Stated another way, your chances of being murdered in the U.S. are 38 thousandths of a percent (.000038). In Australia, your chances are 11 thousandths of a percent (.000011). That’s a difference of 27 thousandths of a percent, a very small number any way you look at it. A statistician’s trick perhaps. As a footnote, factoring out murders by illegal aliens would place the U.S. among the safest one third in the world, 2.1 per hundred thousand compared to Australia's 1.1 per hundred thousand.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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