1. Red Lawhern Red Lawhern United States says:

    Regrettably, this "study" incorporates fundamental errors and false assumptions.  As we have known since at least as far back as 2016, from the work of Nora Volkow and her colleagues at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there is no statistically useful relationship between opioid "dependence" and opioid misuse.  Dependence is a purely physiological response to prolonged exposure to opioids at sufficient doses to create tolerance.  It is an expected outcome from appropriate treatment of chronic or intractable severe pain.  Abuse or misuse is a totally separate medical condition, and very rare in clinically managed patients.

    Published data of Gabriel Brat and his colleagues, from a six-year a review of clinical records review of 37 million commercially insured patients establishes beyond contradiction that the incidence of opioid abuse or addiction associated with medical treatment of pain is fewer than one patient in one thousand who are treated.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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