1. Denis Puhar Denis Puhar Slovenia says:

    As a physician I can now inform and pass on this latest information to my colleagues (physicians and other healthcare workers) and also to cannabis users. Important because this is evidence based medicine and at least in the area where I live usage of THC in such or another form is on the rise and I have absolutely no doubt that at least a part of the reason for this (how much is another question) is faulty, incorrect information (example: 'benefits of usage exceed the harm of it' - do they?) and also important: No consensus about this topic among certain medical experts, who see themselves as an "authority" on this area although some of them have no up-to-date knowledge about this evolving and complex specialised field of medicine, has been reached (yet). And last but not least: Many other specialties (meaning: workers in those fields of expertise) have to be involved and cooperate in the search for the solution for this global epidemic as for example: psychology, social sciences and many more.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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