
  1. Ed S. Ed S. United States says:

    Does an albino helminthic worm living in a lesion on the medial surface of the upper thigh, photographed, presented in vivo as a specimen (which a dermatologist refused to look at or even perform the most perfunctory or examinations), substantiated by one or more third partes constitute proof?  What about peripheral blood smears with microfilariae surrounded by eosinophils?  How about a clean catch urine culture which grows what appear to be some species of schistosome, visible to the naked eye and by microscopy, again photographed and verified by testimony of a third party, and reproducible by an in office microscopic examination which a physician refuses to perform?  How about multiple positive parasitology blood, urine and stool cultures, in which positive for parasites taxonomy says "unidentiafiable organism?"  If you believe that these and a plethora of other empirically validated infectious diseases qualify as delusional, stick your head back in the sand and continue to claim the sky is falling.  Chances are 10,000:1 that my I.Q. is higher than yours and my powers of observation and ability to operate a lab microscope, mount slides, prepare specimens, etc., are adequate to document parasitosis.  I was educated in molecular biology and recruited by a prestigious medical school but did not attend, after experiencing the myopathy of "scientists" such as you.  Yes, the burden of proof lies with the claimant but when "medical scientists" refuse to perform comprehensive H&P exams, refuse to order lab tests, and disbelieve multiple confirmatory lab test results enough is enough.  Furthermore, some of these physicians cavalierly prescribe Orap as an anti-psychotic without a lab test or psych evaluation .  Ignoring clinical and laboratory findings because of a fixation on the bell curve is unconscienable and is certainly inconsitent with "First, do no harm." There are throngs of people suffering terribly in the world and in particular the so called first world because of malignant negligence by the medical community as dominated by the I.D.S.A. and its stranglehold on public health policy.  People without empathy for the suffering of others are diagnosed as having anti-social-personality-disorder(s) per the DSM-V, psychopathologies popularly called sociopathy/psychopathy.  Engaging in behaviors that cause harm to others, even through neglect, without empathy and/or remorse support this.  Using medical credentials to wholesale diagnose a group in the population that is suffering terribly as having a delusional illness then refusing them real diagnosis and treatment is one more example of why many people are mistrustful of doctors and other biomedical scientists.  If you had a mechanism whereby attachments could be made I would forward you photographic evidence of these claims, including those taken using microscopy, simple photography, etc.  People need to start standing up and challenging the claims of people entrusted with the health of others, no matter how prestigious their affiliated institutions or claims of evidence negating infection.  All you have to do is urinate into a sterile container and watch things visible to the naked eye swimming on or in the urine immediately after or during urination, or prepare a blood smear, examine and photograph it to see what appear to be living microfilariae surrounded by eosinophils as an indicator of an infectious process.  While I do not doubt there are people suffering with DOP, it does not justify medical negligence by blanket diagnosis and refusal to treat people with easily verifiable parasitic infections as having psychopathologies rather than infectious diseases, by virtue of placing statistics above clinical and laboratory evidence.  Being hospitalized due to profound edema of the lower legs, profound difficulty breathing and being diagnosed with bilateral DVT and bilateral PE, without coagulopathy, and having that edema and breathing difficulty persist after heparin and Xarelto therapy for months is needless suffering, and almost resulted in my death.  When a few days of filaricides abated that edema and breathing difficulty it is a positive indicator that pathogens, not coagulopathies were more likely to be the cause of the life threatening illnesses, along with the positive lab findings and microscopy evidence.  Again, some of us are denied appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Others find highly respected board certified physicians who bother to look further and reach positive diagnoses of parasitosis yet the infections are so advanced as a result of medical negligence aggressive treatment is only partially effective.  Part of this is because the first physician we consulted refused to look at our specimens, perform a comprehensive H&P, labeled us as delusional then prescribed anti-psychotic drugs, painting us with a scarlet letter to all future physicians.  When we finally do find a physician who cares enough to thoroughly examine and test us and discovers an advanced parasitic infection, treatment becomes a matter of reducing the parasite load to abate suffering to a point.  Had it been diagnosed and treated earlier a cure may have been possible.  Parasites and their ova in one's tissues and bodily fluids as well as lab tests confirming the same are proof of infection.  A physician's ignore inborn prejudices and refusal to evaluate the suffering patient in front of her due to fixation on a contrived bell curve contributes to the suffering of patients.  Shame on you.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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