Neuroscience drug discovery is evolving rapidly, driven by new technologies and fresh approaches at every research stage.
Conditions such as Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), neuroinflammation, and neuropathic pain pose significant challenges, and now, more than ever, researchers need advanced tools to develop more effective treatments.
However, traditional methods often struggle to bridge the gap between early discoveries and real-world therapies. That’s why innovative strategies—from optimized disease models to advanced biomarkers and artificial intelligence (AI)—driven analysis—are reshaping the field, accelerating progress, and improving drug development success rates.

This eBook explores the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience research, showcasing how cutting-edge tools and methodologies drive drug discovery.
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eBook Highlights:
- An overview of the latest advancements in neuroscience drug discovery and their impact on research.
- Insights into how emerging technologies are transforming preclinical models and improving translational success.
- Strategies for leveraging advanced biomarkers, imaging techniques, and computational tools to refine drug development.
- Expert insights from Charles River Laboratories on overcoming key challenges and accelerating therapeutic breakthroughs.

Download this eBook to explore the future of neuroscience drug discovery and learn new strategies to advance your research.
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