Cashmere Lashkari

Cashmere Lashkari

Feature Writer


Cashmere Lashkari has a Bachelor’s Degree in English Honours with Psychology which were followed by two post graduations in Public Relations and Human Resources Training and Development. She continues to follow her passion for learning by participating in short-term courses in special fields that interest her.

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She relishes the freedom to learn in a digital environment where she can take courses from Stanford University on Child Nutrition and attend classes held by the head of department at the University of Toronto for Basics of Psychology. She has a strong interest in the working of the human body. One of the aspects that she often explores is the strong mind-body connection.

A number of medical illnesses are caused to appear on the physical body as a direct result of the thoughts that constant fill the person’s mind. The healing of these psychosomatic illnesses is a special area of interest for her. Reading about experiences where alternative healing modalities have helped terminal medical cases recover is something of a passion. Currently she is learning about Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming. She has also undergone practical training in energy healing modalities such as Reiki and Yoga to study their effect on disease.

She has worked as a human resource trainer, and writer for more than two decades. Her first passion has always been training, but she enjoys the chance to express her experience in writing as well. Her work experience includes web content creation for numerous websites on medical issues as well as scientific innovations. She has written and ghost written numerous blog posts for topics as varied as maintaining healthy lifestyles to news about the mining industry.

She enjoys learning more about the field of robotics and artificial intelligence as well as formulating science projects for homeschool students. She has also worked as an assistant editor and features writer for two print publishing houses in India. Her articles and stories have appeared over the years in various print magazines and books such as Salute, Good Housekeeping India, Diplomatist, Hoot, JAM, and Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul.

After having worked as a human resource trainer with three organisations, she set up her own training brand for persona enhancement. Her primary program gives emphasis on helping working women find a better work-life balance. She often conducts workshops on stress management techniques to help create and awareness of how many commonly faced issues can be solved. Her mentorship program has helped launch many home based small businesses by women entrepreneurs.

In her spare time she indulges her interest in fiction. Both reading as well as writing. She has self published four books under a pen name and is working on the next novel whenever life gives her a break. She is occasionally asked to contribute to Indie Author anthologies, and is happy to do so.

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Articles from Cashmere

Diagnosis and Treatment of Prune Belly Syndrome

Diagnosis and Treatment of Prune Belly Syndrome

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in Children

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in Children

Milia in Babies

Milia in Babies

Onychogryphosis - Ram's Horn Nails

Onychogryphosis - Ram's Horn Nails

Onycholysis - Detachment of Nail

Onycholysis - Detachment of Nail

Impetigo in Babies

Impetigo in Babies

Hives in Babies

Hives in Babies

Birth Defects in Twins

Birth Defects in Twins

Birth Defects

Birth Defects

Eczema in babies

Eczema in babies

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