Philadelphia diet drug trial completed

Wyeth has announced that the jury in the case of Rhonda Istnick and Henry Clepper v. Wyeth, et al. rendered its decision, finding in favor of the Company in the case brought by Ms. Istnick, while awarding Mr. Clepper compensatory damages in the amount of $48,000. A third plaintiff had voluntarily dismissed her lawsuit prior to the start of the trial.

The verdict came at the end of the first phase of a bifurcated (two phase) trial that began on July 19, 2004 before Judge Gary S. Glazer in the Courts of Common Pleas of the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania. Both plaintiffs alleged heart valve injury from the use of the diet drug Pondimin. The jury’s verdict with regard to Ms. Istnick has ended that case and the parties have resolved Mr. Clepper’s claim.

The first phase sought to determine whether the plaintiffs were injured as the result of Pondimin, and if so the amount of the damages. The second phase would have determined liability.

Wyeth reaffirms its belief that there are a significant number of down-stream opt out cases that lack merit and the Company will continue to challenge them as appropriate.

Wyeth is one of the world’s largest research-driven pharmaceutical and health care products companies. It is a leader in the discovery, development, manufacturing, and marketing of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, biotechnology products and nonprescription medicines that improve the quality of life for people worldwide. The Company’s major divisions include Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Consumer Healthcare and Fort Dodge Animal Health.


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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