Cancer Research Technology licenses novel cancer diagnostic markers

Cancer Research Technology Limited announced today that they have entered into a worldwide license agreement with TriPath Imaging, Inc.

The license grants exclusive rights to TriPath to several promising cancer diagnostic markers from the Minichromosome Maintenance protein family for the detection of cervical cancer and an exclusive option to breast, lung and colorectal cancers. Financial terms were not disclosed.

Dr. Douglas P. Malinowski, TriPath’s Chief Scientific Officer, commented: “We are very pleased to have access to these important markers from CRT. We have integrated this technology into our molecular oncology programs from which we hope to develop products that will redefine the early detection and clinical management of cervical cancer”. TriPath, a leader in the development of molecular diagnostic products for cancer, has in addition undertaken a comprehensive development program to characterize the optimal combination of molecular biomarkers for the detection of cervical cancer and its premalignant precursors.

Professor Ron Laskey, Director of the Hutchison/MRC Research Centre, said: “This is an excellent example of two synergistic research programmes, one in academia and the other in industry, converging towards the common goal of improving the early detection of cancers.”

Dr Nicholas Coleman, Programme Leader in the Medical Research Council Cancer Cell Unit and Honorary Consultant Histopathologist at Addenbrooke’s NHS Trust Cambridge said: “The earlier a cancer is diagnosed the greater the chance of a cure for the patient. These proteins are excellent markers of cancerous and precancerous cells. They allow us to detect abnormalities in cervical smears very accurately and can also improve the early diagnosis of other common cancers, for example those of the large bowel and lung.”


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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