Effects of prostate removal

Men with prostate cancer who have their prostate removed cite sexual dysfunction as the most common side effect after surgery, but urinary dysfunction troubles these patients most, reports a University of Florida researcher. What's more, many aren't emotionally prepared to face these complications.

The study findings, published in a recent issue of Urologic Nursing, underscore the need for health-care practitioners to educate their patients about the physical and psychological effects the surgery will have on their everyday lives.

“The effects of this treatment are quite immediate and can lead to depression and frustration,” said Bryan Weber, Ph.D., A.R.N.P., an assistant professor in the UF College of Nursing and the study's lead author. “After an initial diagnosis of prostate cancer, men may be so focused on eradicating the disease that they don't realize the effects the treatment will have on their quality of life, both for them and their families.”

Prostate cancer is the No. 1 cancer among men, excluding skin cancer, and with more baby boomers reaching their 50s and 60s, it's expected to grow even more prevalent, with more than 200,000 cases diagnosed in 2007. Given the various treatment options for prostate cancer, men who undergo radical prostatectomy may initially decide that the risk of physical dysfunction is worth the benefit of improved likelihood of survival. But many don't know what to expect in the months after surgery, Weber said.

Physical side effects of prostate cancer treatment limit daily activities and may interfere with a man's sense of masculinity and self-confidence. Urinary incontinence, for example, requires the use of pads that add considerable bulkiness to clothing and create concern about leakage and odor. Sexual dysfunction interferes with a man's sense of self and may limit the relationship he has with his significant other, Weber said.

In the study, UF researchers evaluated 72 men six weeks after they underwent prostatectomy. In addition to measuring participants' physical function and assessing whether they had urinary and bowel symptoms and sexual dysfunction, the researchers also evaluated measures of self-confidence, social support and uncertainty about the disease and treatment. Most participants were white, married and employed full-time or retired, and most had some college education.

Fifty-seven percent of the men reported low to moderate social support, indicating that many of the topics proved embarrassing for them to discuss with others, Weber said. The level of social support was significantly related to urinary problems, revealing that men with urinary incontinence may need more support than those with more control.

“Within the first 100 days of diagnosis, men may be so distressed and so focused on curing their cancer that they don't focus on these side effects, which is what makes it imperative for health-care professionals to educate them on ways that their lives will change and how they can cope,” Weber said. “Almost immediately after treatment, men may experience depression, awkwardness and emasculation, which will have a great effect on their quality of life.”

Weber suggests that clinicians assess men and their support systems, identify changes in physical function that may occur as a result of treatment, and direct them to products and services designed to help them cope with the immediate effects of sexual dysfunction and urinary and bowel incontinence.

For example, Weber said numerous medications aim to ease sexual dysfunction, but many men may not realize the great expense associated with these drugs or be aware of their potential side effects. Similarly, a number of options for urinary incontinence exist, such as boxer shorts that are designed to hold urinary pads, lessening the embarrassment of having to wear such items.

“Education and counseling should be provided to these men to better inform and prepare patients for the physical side effects they are likely to experience postoperatively,” Weber said. “Since we know that men are less likely to rely on support groups or be more embarrassed to discuss these items with family and friends, it's even more vital for health-care professionals to stress these issues and include options for patients. Men need to be introduced to different options, make choices and regain control over their lives.”

Health practitioners need to remember to thoroughly discuss the consequences of treatment with patients, and information should be tailored to each individual's needs, said Joyce Davison, Ph.D., R.N., an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia Department of Urologic Sciences.

“Once diagnosed with prostate cancer, men vary with regard to the type and amount of information they wish to access and the degree of decision control they wish to have,” Davison said. “It is up to health-care professionals to assess and provide information and support accordingly.”


  1. John McGregor John McGregor United Kingdom says:

    I am 48.  I've had severe prostate pain for 13 yrs now. My quality of life since 1999 has been strained.  The pain I suffer remains at a pain level 5.9 on good days.  But always pain increases up to level 7.5 and makes me very depressed.  I think its time to seek advice from my G.P for referral to a Urologist with the intention of removing my prostate.  Please understand I am in PAIN daily along with the discomfort, I've had to endure this second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.  I cant stress enough the pain is severe.  Can I be pain free? I've read the complications with incontinence and erectile dysfunction (which I have already!). So I want to be pain free.

  2. Claudster Claudster Canada says:

    I was just diagnosed with Prostate Cancer today. I'm 49 and it feels like a blur right now. I don't even know what I'm going to do at this point. I need to think about it.

  3. Gordon Gordon United States says:

    I am 77. I had my bladder and prostate removed due to bladder cancer 15 months ago. About 4 months after surgery, my sexual ability returned without any treatment.  I have had no side effects.  I do wear a pouch, but that is no problem at all.

  4. Proby Jeeves Matanga Proby Jeeves Matanga Zimbabwe says:

    I`m 66 and in April 2015 I had my prostate removed. This was a second operation as I`d had a TURP done in July 2009. I`d been going for 6 monthly check-ups and in April this year my surgeon suggested it be removed after intermittent passing of blood in my urine during the last 6 months. I must say that things look good. I pass urine normally and even better. I must point out that the removed organ was cancer free.

  5. Timothy Mallory Timothy Mallory United States says:

    I had my Prostate removed in Korea in 2014 while there on a Mission for my Church.  Yes I was depressed and had leaking problems but was able to master most of that by exercising and contracting my bowels in that area.  I still have some problems but it is manageable.  I do have a problem at night having to get up 4 to 5 times to urinate.  If you have any suggestions I would be grateful for your recommendations

    • Tawanda Mdawarima Tawanda Mdawarima South Africa says:

      Ive also had cancerous prostatectomy, and0n the post operation notes from physio, we were instructed to exercise the bladder by taking in plenty of water to get bladder used to full volumes and get used to retention. Emptying bladder before it is full makes it lazy to learn to retain. Too little fluids makes urine concentrated and acidic, irritating bladder wall giving urgency to urinate more in the night. I also got up initially four times at nights first weeks but now its almost normal in forth week. Be blessed and receive healing.

    • jon doeringer jon doeringer United States says:

      Just keep a hospital pee bottle next to your bed. Less disruptive to your sleep.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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