Oct 21 2009
The New Republic will host health care experts and policy makers for the decisive conference on the current health care reform debate. Jonathan Cohn, senior editor of The New Republic, health care expert and author will moderate the forum. The event will consist of panel discussions and a keynote address featuring influential leaders from the Administration, Congress and K Street.
Date: Tuesday, October 27th Time: 8:00 - 11:00 am Location: Phoenix Park Hotel, 520 North Capitol Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 Panel: Health Care Reform: Will it Work? Keynote Speaker: Nancy-Ann DeParle, Counselor to the President and Director, White House Office of Health Reform Speakers: * Shannon Brownlee, Senior Research Fellow, New America Foundation * George Halvorson, Chairman and CEO, Kaiser Permanente * Jon Kingsdale, Executive Director, Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector * Harold Pollack, Professor, University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration * Representative Pete Stark (D-CA) * Representative Anthony Weiner (D-NY) * Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR)
How Can We Make an Insurance Exchange Work?
Insurance exchanges are the central element of health care reform. Making them function properly is easier said than done. What kinds of regulations do they need? Who should manage them--and how aggressively? And who should get to use them?
Delivery Reform - Is Rationing in our Future?
Advocates of "comparative effectiveness," pay-for-performance, and other delivery reforms say they will make medical care better and, in the long run, less expensive. Critics say it's rationing by another name. What are the practical, and political, obstacles to reorganizing our medical system so that it actually makes people better--and stops costing so much money? And can we spend less without sacrificing innovation?
SOURCE The New Republic