Mar 9 2010
Press Fails to Research Group History and Publishes News Reports Based Upon Info from Persons with Psychological Disabilities
Recently there has been considerable negative press about The Veterans Support Organization. The information obtained from both TV News and Print Reporters was flawed.
Why?, because these reporters failed to adequately research the Group, the stability and mental history status of persons these reporters interviewed, the credibility of the persons interviewed, and the history and services the Group provides nationally.
If these reporters had done research before going to print or on TV, as the case may be, they would have realized that VSO trains persons with PTSD and other mental health disabilities, and interviewing these individuals and relying on the information provided by these challenged individuals, without multiple independent verification, was poor reporting.
Creating sensationalism to sell media based upon the quotes or statements obtained from individuals with disabilities, without contacting the treasurer of the Group or the President of the Group, or its legal counsel, in most cases, was rushed and poor reporting at best, bordering on slander. The group has a long and positive history and provides much needed services to Veterans. On file there are hundreds of thank you letters from veterans and other veterans organizations who have received both financial and other assistance from VSO.
The reporters should have reviewed the history of the Group, contacted credible sources, like local Volunteer Service Division Chiefs at the VA hospitals; visited the 150 bed homeless shelter facility for Veterans "Veterans New Life Haven;" visited the 8500 sq. ft. Institute for Social Renewal designed to train and provide OJT for homeless and disable veterans, and spoken to those veterans who are still alive today because of VSO.
At the recent opening of the ISR, a VSO training facility, Barry Wilson, a veteran and recent VSO trainee participant had Veterans Counsel Commissioners, VA Hospital Staff, Police Commissioners, other Veterans group Commanders in tears, admitting if it were not for VSO, he would have committed suicide.
There are hundreds of such testimonies available, giving VSO credit for saving lives and restoring veterans to the stability and respect they earned serving our country.
Ask yourself: what is one veteran's life worth? How about 20 or 200? Now let's talk about what percentage of funds raised by VSO goes to fund these programs. According to independent certified auditors, more than 65% of funds raised by VSO went to these program services, not the 15% cited by these reporters. Did these reporters call the independent certified auditors? No! What type of reporting is this?
VSO now invites all interested parties and media to visit the programs run and entirely funded by VSO, talk to the appropriate staff and certified auditors, and get the facts right.
SOURCE Veterans Support Organization