Apr 15 2010
Health Industries Research Companies' (HIRC) Employer & Coalition Service has released its spring 2010 market research. HIRC finds that employers are increasingly concerned about cancer medications and report sustained interest in health, wellness, and disease management initiatives.
“the challenging economic environment is forcing employers to increasingly justify ongoing investments in DM and wellness initiatives.”
HIRC syndicated research services have been tracking managed care trends and strategies for key pharmaceutical clients for twenty years. The Employer & Coalition Service is an ongoing market research project that focuses on key influencers within the employer health care market and their impact on the use of pharmaceutical products.
Highest Cost Prescription Drug Categories
"Due to the economic recession in 2010, employers have been increasingly challenged to balance budgetary concerns with the needs and demands of their employees and beneficiaries," cites Lauren Bolen, HIRC's Director of Employer Research. HIRC market research finds that the drug categories that generate the most costs are: cardiovascular, GI, antidepressants, diabetes, and cancer. Over the past five years, products that treat cardiovascular disease and GI disorders remain of highest concern. However, it is notable that employers are increasingly concerned with pharmaceutical costs associated with cancer medications, and, to a lesser extent, antidepressants and diabetic treatments.
Likely Health Benefit Strategies
Over the past five years, HIRC employer panelists have reported an increasing likelihood to implement health, wellness and disease management initiatives. However, Lauren Bolen notes, "the challenging economic environment is forcing employers to increasingly justify ongoing investments in DM and wellness initiatives." While many employers may not be expanding these programs in the wake of the economic recession, they continue to fund existing programs to address underlying factors driving their employees' consumption of health care products and services.
Research Methodology & Report Availability
Market research was completed in January and February 2010 with 159 employer market decision-makers: employee benefits managers, corporate medical departments, employer health care coalitions, and employee benefits consultants. The complete report on employers' current benefits trends and strategies is now available to pharmaceutical company subscribers at www.hirc.com.
Health Industries Research Companies