FRC Suggests: Invest In Something With Real Payback -- Adult Stem Cells
In 2004 Robert Klein, chairman of the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), helped pass Proposition 71, establishing the CIRM with a state taxpayer-funded $3 billion budget for ten years. The measure was passed with promises of affordable cures for virtually all diseases, cures specifically from embryonic stem cells and cloning, as well as tremendous financial payback for the citizens of California. The Los Angeles Times recently noted that Klein plans to seek up to $3 billion more from state taxpayers for his stem cell fiefdom.
Dr. David Prentice, Senior Fellow for Life Sciences at the Family Research Council and an expert on stem cell research and bioethics had these comments:
"Investors usually seek some substantial return for their investment, especially before sinking more hard-earned dollars into a project. But ethically-controversial embryonic stem cells in general and the CIRM in particular have not made good on the initial taxpayer investment. CIRM spending has resulted in many academic publications, nice laboratories and buildings, as well as huge salaries for those running CIRM.
"What the swindling of taxpayers hasn't produced? Viable treatments.
"The scientists themselves admit that any therapies from embryonic stem cells are years, and likely decades, away. Some of those same scientists express grave concern about the risky clinical trials recently approved for the companies Geron and Advanced Cell Technology, noting that such trials with embryonic stem cells are extremely premature.
"The real success, as well as payback, is coming from adult stem cells. Over 50,000 patients a year receive adult stem cell treatments from bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, and other tissues. Published science documents the benefit of adult stem cells for patients with heart damage, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, sickle cell anemia, and dozens of other conditions. The payback is significant, and in no clearer way than the thousands of people alive today and with improved health.
"Taxpayers expect to see sound investments during these tough fiscal times. Investing in ethical stem cell research is the only sensible answer."
Go to for examples of the benefits of adult stem cells for patients.