Hormone enhanced meat taken off shelves at Coles

Hormonal growth enhancers banned three decades ago in Europe after being linked to health risks including breast cancer, kidney disease and birth defects are still being used in Australia to fatten beef, a federal farm chemical survey reveals.

A few weeks ago the results from the recent National Residue Survey were brought up in Federal Parliament. The survey found high levels of synthetic hormones in the urine, faeces and livers of cattle, sheep and commercially farmed deer. The hormones used include testosterone, progesterone and other steroids known collectively as HGPs.

Now Coles is proposing to ban these hormone enriched meats from its national supermarket chain in response to rising consumer demand for organic produce. The phasing out began last month. Coles will become Australia’s first national food retailer to sell exclusively hormone-free beef in 2011.

These hormones improve the rate of food conversion in cattle, may be natural or synthetic and are implanted as a pellet under the skin of the ear of the animal. Livestock groups are not happy and they claim that there is no scientific evidence linking the use of growth hormones to health risks. Industry experts predict higher beef prices as more customers demand hormone-free meat, which makes up about half of all beef sold in Australia.

Sydney University Prof Ian Lean said, “This has the potential to be very damaging to the beef industry and its reputation.” Coles ambassador Curtis Stone however said in response, “The goal of the food industry should be to produce food as Mother Nature intended with as little additives as possible… As consumers, we have the power to make sure this happen.” Australian Cattle Council chief David Inall feels this move is needlessly frightening customers. CSIRO livestock industry chief Alan Bell added that HGPs were “very safe and backed by science”. “The problem is that the word ‘hormone’ is an emotive one,” Professor Bell said.

Dr. Ananya Mandal

Written by

Dr. Ananya Mandal

Dr. Ananya Mandal is a doctor by profession, lecturer by vocation and a medical writer by passion. She specialized in Clinical Pharmacology after her bachelor's (MBBS). For her, health communication is not just writing complicated reviews for professionals but making medical knowledge understandable and available to the general public as well.


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    Mandal, Ananya. "Hormone enhanced meat taken off shelves at Coles". News-Medical. 24 January 2025. <https://www.news-medical.net/news/20101228/Hormone-enhanced-meat-taken-off-shelves-at-Coles.aspx>.

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    Mandal, Ananya. "Hormone enhanced meat taken off shelves at Coles". News-Medical. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20101228/Hormone-enhanced-meat-taken-off-shelves-at-Coles.aspx. (accessed January 24, 2025).

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    Mandal, Ananya. 2018. Hormone enhanced meat taken off shelves at Coles. News-Medical, viewed 24 January 2025, https://www.news-medical.net/news/20101228/Hormone-enhanced-meat-taken-off-shelves-at-Coles.aspx.


  1. den den Australia says:

    Banned in Europe 3 decades ago??, then why does our government allow this to continue to be used in Australia ?? Maybe we need a class action against our government.

  2. archie archie United Kingdom says:

    Professor Bell, a hormone is simply a chemical. So added hormones are added chemicals. Does this mean that labelling the meat as "With added Chemicals" is less frightening for the consumer? It would certainly be more honest. More power to Coles.

  3. Steven Pecl Steven Pecl Australia says:

    Wow. I had no idea that the CSIRO had been so corrupted by corporate interests - "very safe and backed by science" indeed! There is numerous research available that indicates a solid link between growth hormones in meat, and the development of a variety of cancers in humans who consume that meat. The title of this 'scientists' appointment says it all really: "CSIRO livestock INDUSTRY chief." Where is the CSIRO public food safety chief on this issue? Oh, there probably isn't one. What a surprise!

  4. sandshoe sandshoe Australia says:

    How can I trust the CSIRO Livestock industry chief Alan Bell when he makes such bold statements that HGP's are "very safe and backed by science"...while the $11 million National Residue Survey reveals there are NO MAXIMUM Australian standards for urine and faecal traces of at least 15 growth hormones used by the cattle industry!?

    Are the non-regulated HGP's used in our Australian cattle industry on the list of banned HGP's in Europe? More information please?

    How dare Mr Bell suggest the problem is that..."the word hormone is an emotive one"?!!! Breast cancer, kidney disease and birth defects are "EMOTIVE" subjects Mr Bell!!!

    I'll suggest the problem might be that...the CSIRO is more interested in pleasing the live$tock indu$try than protecting the health of Australians.

    What does Mr Bell have to say about the European ban? Does the CSIRO consider Europe's ban to be "emotive"...and without any scientific basis?

  5. den den Australia says:

    Once again the Australian public has been lied to & hoodwinked by government departments "SAFE??" hormones, PCBs,genetic engineered crops,My family will be buying our meat from Coles from now on or any other business that sells the same.

  6. jen jen Australia says:

    Have often wondered if the the fattening up of the nation was partly to blame on hormones in meat. Humans and cattle are both warm blooded and both feed their young milk.

    Maybe a study on this might be very interesting when the results were examined.

  7. Hal Hal Australia says:

    'Hormone' is an emotive word??? So, Alan Bell, please us know, what IS the calm rational scientific word used in the research literature? Surely not 'hormone', I hope.

  8. Alex Alex Australia says:

    I am applauding Coles. We as consumers have to support it with our buying power. Every single piece of meet our family consumes will be bought in Coles from now on.

    Just wondering, does this country inflated bureaucracy has at least some tiny department that protects consumers?

    Treated wood, being banned in EU and North America, is still being sold here for use as vegi garden sleepers.

    • mac mac United States says:

      Australia does not look after its citizens. Look what our P.M. (a lawyer) said re Assange. From agriculture to banks to cosmetics, food labelling. Our country seems to be run and owned by 'Big Business'. A sad little country. Could be a world leader with some vision.

  9. stephen stephen Australia says:

    Well if it's so bad and we in Australia have been eating this tainted beef for 30 years more than Europe then would not our cancer stats show this? I don't think so, get over it.  

  10. feedup feedup Australia says:

    Great to see, hopefully it wont stop with meat.What about impoted farmed seafood that the two major food chains also sell in abundance. Just google 'shrimp chemicals' and see what i mean

  11. den den Australia says:

    Stephen [mr man ] I think that if you did proper research you would find that kidney disease & Cancer have increased over the past few decades, something has to be causing it ?? There's every chance hormones have been the cause of these illnesses, Lets face it 30 even 20 years ago it was very rare to hear of Kidney disease or Cancer, THESE DAYS IT IS A COMMON OCCURRENCE.

  12. Sam Sam Australia says:

    What can I tell you that will actually sink into your thick skulls... You are being setup to fail. They don't want you to have babies or grow rich. If the cigarettes don't get you, then the Coke will. Otherwise it'll be that car that made you forget what your legs are for. If not that, at least you'll pay insurance for 20 years before you try to claim and find out you're not really covered for that. And if you don't regularly convert your cash into hard assets (that can maintain their value), you can count on regular financial collapses that will decimate your savings at least a couple of times in your life. You will never succeed until you get angry and start looking at your closest friends as your enemies (because they're the ones who don't care about you - the rest of us don't even know you exist!)

    Have a nice day.

  13. Philip Philip Australia says:

    It looks like the scientist at Coles are up with the times, if CSIRO science is 30 years out dated, why are we paying for this crap. Maybe it would be better to leave the scientific research to Coles.

  14. Johnny Johnny United States says:

    We can't afford much meat anymore because its priced off the Richter Scale. Its probably a good thing the Australian Government flogs off all our beef to overseas markets but we don't like the Government accepting the Mad Cow meat in return, and now we know its chemically altered, that explains why the stuff is so tough and hard to break down and like chewing gum even if put in a crock pot to make a stew. Its no wonder its killing people because the stuff is still kicking back after 2 days in the crock pot.

  15. thommo thommo Australia says:

    Good on you Coles at least somone has a conscience and the ability to turn things around. Not so for our great Government, money matters.

  16. Bob Bob Australia says:

    Let's be clear this decision by Coles is based on market research, not medical science.  Sixteen out of seventeen comments (at time of writing) show fear and suspicion of HGP’s although not one has quoted a single scientific study demonstrating actual harm.  This looks like a fair sample of the popular opinion that Coles has noted and will use to boost its market share.  

  17. Adam Adam United States says:

    Well it doesn't take much to see these days when an authority like BELL sells out the people for Big Agriculture Business. That is what is happening here people. He sold out the Australian people because he got paid to do it.

    Dont trust big business, buy Kangaroo meat. ITs clean and better tasting than beef.

    I bet the hormones are bought from Monsantos Inc...

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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