Researchers have found that more people are making themselves vulnerable to health problems by downing sports energy drinks that are meant to be used with intense exercise – while sitting around.
These drinks can include high levels of sugar and up to 270 calories in each bottle - in addition to potentially harmful levels of caffeine, which has been linked to seizures, heart problems and behavioral disorders, suggest researchers. According to the European Food Safety Authority, only “active individuals performing endurance exercise” should use the drinks.
The latest survey has found that more than 11 million adults in the UK - and over a quarter of men - take sports drinks while at the office. An additional third of “low-intensity exercisers” consume sports drinks when exercising for “extra energy”. It is believed that 160 million litres of sports drinks are consumed in the UK each year. The survey, by the Natural Hydration Council, revealed that over 19 per cent consume the drinks when they are “tired” and 18 per cent when they have a “hangover”.
Nearly 80 per cent forget to drink water before they exercise, which is the optimum form of hydration. Around 60 per cent said that they do not remember to consider their hydration levels after exercise and almost 30 per cent do not pack water in their sports bag. About 35 per cent said that they opt for sports drinks during exercise for “extra energy”, 21 per cent for “better hydration” and 20 per cent as they “prefer the taste”.
According to the Natural Hydration Council, people should sip water every 20 minutes when exercising, while those who perform high-intensity exercise for more than 45 minutes at a time may benefit from a sports drink or a diluted fruit juice. Yet water stands at the bottom of the priority list, being ranked below “nice sportswear” and “specialist trainers”.
“The consumption levels and situations in which people are consuming these sports drinks are worrying,” Dr Paul Gately, Professor of Exercise and Obesity at Leeds Metropolitan University, said. “These products are designed for highly-active sportspeople undertaking regular high-intensity training and performance exercise lasting for more than 45 minutes. What’s even more concerning is that this insight is paired with people not drinking enough water or at the right times.”