Women and men are not receiving effective diagnostic testing and
treatments of osteoporosis, a life threatening condition affecting
millions of Americans, according to an expert today at the American
Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) 21st Annual
Meeting & Clinical Congress in Philadelphia.
Osteoporosis is responsible for approximately 300,000 annual hospital
admissions for hip fractures, with estimates exceeding 500,000 by the
year 2040, according to the Center for Disease Control.
"Although the practice of managing osteoporosis has made significant
progress in both diagnosis and treatment tools during the past 20 years,
implementing effective treatment strategies into clinical practice is
lacking," said Dr. Michael McClung, MD, FACE, and Director of the Oregon
Osteoporosis Center in Portland.
Clinical scientists have made substantial advances in recent years in
understanding osteoporosis, as well as its impact on certain
populations. Accordingly, medical practitioners now have very effective
tools to identify men and women with osteoporosis and those who are at
risk for fractures, according to Dr. McClung, as well as an array of
treatment options to effectively decrease fracture risks. Further,
evidence-based guidelines are available to guide practice management,
including the AACE
Guidelines on Osteoporosis.
"However, the advances made in our clinical studies are often not put
into practice in the clinics of our country," said Dr. McClung. "Many
primary care physicians are unaware that national guidelines for the
treatment of osteoporosis exist and therefore fail to utilize them as
resources. Additionally, patients and many physicians are reluctant to
treat osteoporosis with pharmacological agents because they are so
concerned about the rare side effects."
The challenge for all clinicians, Dr. McClung said, is to translate the
available clinical science regarding osteoporosis management into
regular clinical practice on a daily basis.
"Endocrinologists are experts who effectively treat osteoporosis, but we
need to take advantage of opportunities to help our clinical colleagues
be more comfortable with managing their patients with this condition,"
said Dr. McClung. "We need to share knowledge about the guidelines for
testing and treating, as well as provide a clear perspective on the
relationship between the benefits of treatment and the very uncommon
associated risks."