Oct 5 2012
Told he had lung cancer and 6 months to live, the author refused chemo/surgery and used holistic, natural, non-invasive interventions. Now, 38 years later at age 80 he not only beat the odds of lung cancer but also the odds of 3 chronic illnesses and 5 prescribed medications that are the average for a 75 year old. The goal of the author is to empower others to prevent/overcome lung cancer and remain disease free into later life using information in a new book to be published November, 2012 (lung cancer awareness month) titled You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions.
Additional chapters on interventions for lung cancer are included by some of the top medical and health leaders in alternative/integrative cancer care-Dr Bernie Siegel, Dr Francisco Contreras, Dr James Forsythe, Dr Kim Dalzel and Tanya Harter Pierce.
G. Edward Griffin, author of World Without Cancer, the Politics of Cancer Therapy and other books and films and President of American Media says "This is one of the most comprehensive books available on alternative treatment for lung cancer……It will be useful not only for the lay reader, but also for therapists and others with a scientific background." Dr. Julian Kenyon, Medical Director of the Dove Clinic for Integrative Medicine in London says " Carl Helvie's case is remarkable. This is a man of great courage, who has followed a natural approach to his life-threatening illness and this has resulted in a cure. This has to be impressive and his book deserves a wide readership which I hope it will get." Dr Frank Shallenberger. Medical Director of the Nevada Center of Alternative Medicine, author, and editor of Real Cures Newsletter says "If you are ever diagnosed with advanced cancer, the odds are very good that your oncologist will tell you that unless you immediately consent to chemotherapy you are going to die. This is a lie. I know. I have been treating conventional chemotherapy failures for years. Other than for leukemia or lymphoma, conventional chemotherapy is almost always a death sentence. There as so many more effective ways to treat advanced cancer, and Dr Carl Helvie's book, You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions, describes some of the most effective. In addition, his book is packed with references and information sources that will help anyone fighting cancer learn more about how to go about it successfully>"