Fight brews over abortion coverage in Va.'s health insurance exchange

Abortion coverage could be banned in Virginia's health insurance exchange if an amendment pushed by Gov. Bob McDonnell wins legislative approval. The bill faces an uncertain outcome in the state Senate.

The Associated Press/Washington Post: Fight Brewing Over McDonnell Amendment Banning Abortion Coverage Through Va Insurance Exchange
A Senate fight is brewing over Gov. Bob McDonnell's amendment to ban abortion coverage from being sold through a new federally run health insurance exchange. The bill faces an uncertain outcome in the Senate, where Democrats and Republicans hold 20 seats apiece. It's likely the most fiercely debated bill in Wednesday's single-day reconvened legislative session to consider McDonnell's amendments to 80 bills and vetoes to six (4/3).

In the meantime, lawmakers in Alabama, Texas and Indiana debate stricter abortion clinic regulations --

The Associated Press/Washington Post: Alabama Legislature Passes Bill Setting Stricter Standards For Abortion Clinics
Alabama lawmakers late Tuesday gave final passage to a measure placing stricter regulations on clinics that provide abortions. The state House voted 68-21 to give final passage to the Women's Health and Safety Act. The vote came hours after the state Senate voted 20-10 to approve the bill after amending the measure to require clinics to tell patients what medications they had received (4/3).

The Texas Tribune: Agenda Texas: Abortion Regulations Could Close Clinics
Last week we talked about the renewed push to pass a couple of bills that would increase state regulations for abortion clinics. Supporters say the measures would make abortions safer. Today we'll hear from abortion providers who dispute those concerns about safety (Philpott, 4/3).

Indianapolis Star: Abortion Restriction Bill Passes Indiana House
A bill that would block at least one Indiana clinic from dispensing abortion-inducing drugs is likely on its way to Gov. Mike Pence to be signed into law. ... Senate Bill 371 would make any clinic that dispenses a drug that causes an abortion -- such as RU 486 -- meet the same standards as a surgery (Schneider, 4/2).

http://www.kaiserhealthnews.orgThis article was reprinted from with permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent news service, is a program of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan health care policy research organization unaffiliated with Kaiser Permanente.



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