University of Greenwich hosts conference to address health and social care challenges

In collaboration with the Higher Education Entrepreneurship Group (HEEG), the University of Greenwich is hosting an event to support people with ideas for tackling the current unemployment, enterprise finance and health and social care challenges.

The event tagged "Social Enterprise Exchange" is to take place on Thursday, 28th November at QA 075, Maritime campus from 9:30am -2:15 pm.
Social Enterprise Exchange is funded by the Higher Education Entrepreneurship Group and forms a part of the "Global Entrepreneurship Week" activities.

This event will enable people to discuss their ideas regarding the needs of society and opportunities to work with others. A key aspect of the forum will be to cluster delegates into various working groups, tasked with coming up with possible suggestions and pragmatic actions.

The following contributors will be present to facilitate the cluster groups:
• Andrew Hardman, Director of Strategy at Bromley Healthcare CIC
• Richard Herzenge, University of Northampton
• Andrew Tilling, Preselli
• Christina Baby, First Fruit Group/ Just Homes
• Charles Oham, University of Greenwich; and,
• Other contributors.

The contributors will work with delegates to provide a unique opportunity for those wanting to develop a range of resources, proposals and interventions that will address these key themes:

• Graduate/ Youth Unemployment;
• Access to capital for social entrepreneurs/enterprises;
• Supporting NHS Social Enterprise Organisations, and;
• Other ideas that may emerge during the event (some working groups
may continue well after the event).

The conference is free to staff, students at the University of Greenwich and other organisations that are members of the Higher Education Entrepreneurship Group.

Let's discover, network and achieve at the Social Enterprise Exchange 2013!

Spaces are limited for this unique programme, so register now to reserve a place. For more information please check or register at:


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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