In 2007, RaySearch Laboratories AB (STO:RAYB) and TomoTherapy Incorporated (now Accuray) entered into a software licensing and development agreement. Under the agreement, RaySearch developed a product named SharePlan, which was launched by TomoTherapy in 2009.
SharePlan is an advanced treatment planning solution that enables transfer of treatment plans between TomoTherapy systems and conventional linear accelerators. The product uses highly sophisticated algorithms to automatically generate a selection of deliverable high-quality IMRT plans based on an existing TomoTherapy treatment plan. This time-saving concept is an important tool for optimizing patient benefit and throughput at clinics that have a mixed environment with both TomoTherapy systems and conventional linear accelerators.
Now RaySearch and Accuray have agreed to cancel the agreement and end the partnership. Although the partnership will be ending, Accuray and RaySearch are committed to ensuring that customer needs are supported and maintained. As a result, SharePlan functionality will continue to be available for new and existing customers as an integrated module in RaySearch's RayStation® treatment planning system that is sold and marketed by RaySearch. Existing SharePlan customers will be offered a free upgrade to RayStation®.
"Since the original agreement was signed, a lot has changed for both companies so this solution makes good sense for both parties. RayStation® was not available four years ago so back then a stand-alone application was the best solution. Now however, we can offer the same functionality in RayStation® which is evolving very rapidly and also gives the TomoTherapy System users the option to select other features and advanced treatment planning tools. This is attractive for the customers and Accuray alike as it expands the product offering for these customers", says Johan Löf, CEO of RaySearch.