The New York Surgical Society (NYSS) has decided to affiliate with the International Journal of Surgery in an agreement that gives members of the Society easy access to the important research published by the journal and marks the growth in the journal's international reach.
The International Journal of Surgery (IJS) launched in 2003 has seen rapid growth in recent years now with over 600 submissions a year globally and with full text article downloads in the hundreds of thousands each year. Usage of the journal in the USA in recent years has significantly grown with the US now being in the top two countries in terms of article downloads and the top ten in terms of submissions.
Dr. Martin S. Karpeh, Jr. President Elect of the NYSS, said, "The New York Surgical Society is excited about affiliation with the International Journal of Surgery. The journal provides us with a wonderful new forum to share our advancements in surgical science and to communicate with colleagues across the globe."
Professor David Rosin, Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Surgery commented, "We are delighted to welcome the NYSS to our fold. Established in October 1879 when New York had a population of only 1,2 million and a mere 30 surgeons, it has become one of the leading surgical societies in the USA. The latter half of the 19th century was one of the most exciting times for surgeons with pain free surgery thanks to anaesthesia and antiseptic procedures developed by Lister, thus allowing it to become an established specialty. With a list of Presidents including among others, Charles McBurney, B. Farquhar Curtis, Allen O. Whipple, Leslie Wise and G. Tom Shires, it has an outstanding history. We are fortunate to affiliate to the mutual benefit of both our journal and their Society. I am certain it will be a valuable and long-lasting liaison serving the needs of surgeons across the globe."
The Managing and Executive Editor of the Journal, Riaz Agha, said, "IJS has a strong record of society affiliation and we are excited about this affiliation with the New York Surgical Society. IJS has grown consistently since its launch 11 years ago and this represents an important step forward in bringing the journal to a wider audience."
The New York Surgical Society runs several scientific events for surgeons throughout the year as well as an annual meeting. The Society is dedicated to furthering the advancement of surgical science and to fostering collegiality amongst surgeons and it believes that the affiliation with the International Journal of Surgery will further enable it to perform both of these key aims.