IAOCR announces pilot Clinical Operations Workforce Quality Accreditation at organizational level

INC Research begins pilot of new pioneering Clinical Operations Workforce Quality Accreditation

IAOCR, the leading provider of independently recognized, competence-based accreditation, consultancy and accredited training within the clinical research sector, is pleased to announce the pilot Clinical Operations Workforce Quality Accreditation, achievement of which will serve as a quality mark for clinical operations workforce excellence. Leading contract research organization (CRO) INC Research is the first to participate in the pilot, introduced to industry specialists at the annual IAOCR Clinical Research Industry Leaders Think Tank in June.

IAOCR has listened to the industry and responded to the demand from CROs and pharmaceutical companies by designing and developing the Clinical Research Workforce Quality Accreditation in collaboration with industry experts. The accreditation awarded at the organizational level will provide a globally consistent standard against which any organization involved in clinical research can be measured. Additionally, the clearly recognizable quality mark aims to provide reassurance and transparency to sponsors as well as differentiation for participating CROs.

The Workforce Quality Accreditation will help to reduce vendor oversight costs related to compliance checks and new and changing project staff while bolstering confidence that training and competence programs have been independently verified. The accreditation mark will provide reassurance that the achieving organization has better quality staff, which in turn improves trial efficiency and lowers costs.

“We have listened very carefully to what the sector has been crying out for and developed the Workforce Quality Accreditation to adhere to the needs of the CROs and clinical trial sponsors. For a CRO such as INC, we believe the accreditation will enhance their reputation as the contract research organization of choice. This will demonstrate their commitment to providing high quality staff that are appropriately trained and competent, ultimately leading to enhanced staff engagement, and recognition as the leader in clinical research workforce development best practices.” said Jacqueline Johnson North, CEO & Co-Founder of IAOCR.

“At INC Research, we are always looking for innovative solutions and practices that help us deliver results for our clients,” Alistair Macdonald, President & Chief Operating Officer, said. “Employees are INC’s most valued resource and we provide them with industry-leading learning and development to ensure they remain among the best of the best. INC is committed to being the CRO of choice and leading the way in IAOCR accreditation is a great step toward receiving validation for our continued efforts to deliver on this promise.”

Initially IAOCR will be running the Bronze level pilots with four companies, over the summer 2015 in order to finalize the accreditation processes before moving into the Silver and Gold level accreditations. INC Research is the first company to start on this pioneering journey by participating in the Bronze level pilot. The aim is for INC and other companies that have signed up to the pilot to move up through the levels, eventually to Silver and Gold. By achieving the Bronze level, companies will be ahead of their competitors and at the forefront of best practice.


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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