Sep 28 2017
METTLER TOLEDO announces updates to its UV/VIS Excellence spectrophotometer series. New features include the ability to perform color measurements, as well as compatibility with InMotion sample changers, for custom automation.
The updated UV/VIS Excellence spectrophotometers from METTLER TOLEDO can now measure spectra and color simultaneously, streamlining analyses. The Excellence series supports frequently used color scales such as CIE L*a*b* and L*u*v, Tristimulus, Hunter Lab, Chromaticity (x, y), APHA, Pt/Co, Hazen, Yellowness Index, Saybolt, Gardner, EBC, ASBC and Hess-Ives.

METTLER TOLEDO's OneClick™ user interface enables analysis of sample color and other qualities within seconds; the addition of LabX software completes the toolbox, for a solution that supports data integrity and regulatory compliance.
METTLER TOLEDO InMotion sample changers are compatible with a diverse portfolio of analytical instruments. With the new version of Excellence spectrophotometers, InMotion sample changers can now also automate spectroscopic analyses of large numbers of samples. Samples are transferred to the spectrophotometer via peristaltic pump, then measured in a flow cell, providing the user with a fully automated workflow that includes cleaning steps.
LabX 2018
The release of LabX 2018, which accompanies the new Excellence spectrophotometers, adds workflow flexibility and supports compliance with regulations such as 21 CFR Pt 11. Together, LabX 2018 and the updated Excellence series permit the automation of a research group's custom UV/VIS protocols. With integrated calculations, reports and data-management, operators' and lab managers' time is saved, and the risk of transcription errors minimized.