ZEISS introduces new software modules with enhanced imaging technology: ZEISS ZEN Connect is especially useful for, but not limited to, structural analysis, examination of cellular processes, localization of cells, and much more.

The proven ZEISS ZEN software combines numerous functions for day-to-day work with microscopes and stands for scientific success. The ZEISS ZEN Connect module enhances research by introducing three new features.
Intuitive data management, simplified sample workflows, and unlimited navigation
ZEISS ZEN Connect ensures that users focus on the data rather than on the acquisition method. They initiate a workflow with any microscope, analyze a full sample on a large scale, and identify the specific areas of interest with the automatic overlay and relocation algorithm.
It uniquely enables its users to analyze data in a wider context connecting large field of view images with the highest resolution details. They benefit from project-based data storage and effortless image labeling which enables better control over the data structure in complex experiment set-ups.
ZEISS ZEN Connect is available for the company’s full range of optical, confocal, X-ray, electron, and ion microscopes. It is especially recommended for correlation of ZEISS LSM 800 and ZEISS GeminiSEM; but also compatible with most light and electron microscopes from ZEISS.
ZEISS ZEN Connect is offered on a 60-day free trial basis, which can be obtained online from the ZEISS Microscopy Webpage.
Existing customers may use it in conjunction with their ZEISS ZEN Blue or ZEISS SmartSEM 6.2 or higher software, while new users may freely download ZEISS ZEN Lite in order to test the capabilities of ZEISS ZEN Connect. Furthermore, the third party image feature can be acquired separately.