"Breathe Sweden", a digital platform for researchers who collect studies on diseases and disorders of the respiratory tract, has now been launched. The initiative enhances scope for Nordic collaboration in large population studies.
In 2022 the platform "Andas Sverige" was launched to enable the Swedish-speaking public to find nonspecialist information about current research on respiratory disorders and diseases. "Breathe Sweden" is now to be an English-language sister platform for collaboration among researchers in asthma, allergy, and respiratory research.
The work on Andas Sverige and Breathe Sweden is led by researcher Bright Nwaru and his group at the Krefting Research Centre, University of Gothenburg, jointly with other researchers such as Helena Backman of Umeå University.
Breathe Sweden affords better scope for mutual understanding and collaboration in solving various research questions among researchers in the field of respiratory disorders and allergies. It's a platform that brings together data from several large population studies, which boosts capacity"
Bright Nwaru, Researcher, Krefting Research Centre, University of Gothenburg
Boundary-crossing collaborations
Nwaru gives an example of research that can be implemented thanks to the Breathe Sweden initiative and may culminate in means of distinguishing various subtypes of asthma in adults.
"Based on two of the large population studies included, it's now going to be possible to investigate how the interplay between heredity and environment is expressed in adults with asthma. Thanks to the huge quantity of data, we can implement sophisticated data-driven methods in the research field known as phenotyping. This could bring about precision medicine for every subtype of asthma," Nwaru says.
The researchers' Breathe Sweden platform is entirely in English.
"Our hope is that we're now creating better conditions for joint projects in asthma, allergy, and respiratory research, where we can collaborate in large population studies across the Nordic regional and national borders," says Helena Backman, a researcher at Umeå University and Region Norrbotten.
Population studies in a single location
The Breathe Sweden platform has just been launched and is accessed at www.breathesweden.com. To date, it has collected Sweden's seven biggest population studies in allergy and respiratory health. Together, these studies include data on some 350,000 people with various forms of respiratory impairment. More studies are still being invited to join the platform.
The seven studies at the time of launching are:
WSAS (West Sweden Asthma Study) — University of Gothenburg
OLIN (Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden) — Region Norrbotten and Umeå University
CWS (Children of Western Sweden) — University of Gothenburg
BAMSE (Swedish abbreviation for Children, Allergy, Milieu, Stockholm, Epidemiology) — Karolinska Institute
SCIFI-PEARL (Swedish Covid-19 Investigation for Future Insights — A Population Epidemiology Approach Using Register Linkage) — University of Gothenburg
SNAR (Swedish National Airway Register) — Region Norrbotten and University of Gothenburg
STOPPA (Swedish Twin study On Perinatal characteristics to Prevent Asthma) — Karolinska Institute.
The Andas Sverige and Breathe Sweden initiative is part of STELLAR (Respiratory Epidemiology Research Platform), which is funded by the Swedish Research Council. The Andas Sverige website provides brief summaries of studies conducted in the projects. These summaries contribute to the platform in a nonspecialist way. The website addresses the public, research participants, funders, and other interested parties.