Ingenza announces partnership with Cellugy to investigate the potential of biofabricated cellulose

Industrial biotech specialist Ingenza is delighted to announce that it is collaborating with Cellugy to accelerate the development of its innovative platform for producing biofabricated cellulose. This technology will provide a sustainable alternative to fossil-based petrochemicals in various industrial applications, starting with personal care. The new project will ultimately accelerate the understanding and optimisation of bacterial cellulose production.

Cellugy, a Denmark-based start-up, was established in 2018 to create high performance, fully bio-based and biodegradable ingredients using the power of cellulose-producing microorganisms, with the aim of reducing reliance on petrochemicals for a healthier and safer planet. This collaboration allows Cellugy to benefit from Ingenza's extensive experience in the study of diverse microorganisms, and will focus on implementing different techniques to identify key factors influencing the cellulose production pathway. Through this work, Cellugy will gain invaluable insights into formulating targeted strategies aimed at improving cellulose yield and productivity, paving the way for commercial viability and success.

Cristina Serrano, Senior Scientist at Ingenza, commented: “We are thrilled to join forces with Cellugy to explore strategies for improving bacterial cellulose production. From a scientist’s perspective, this project is an exciting opportunity to work with a new organism, which will in turn help us to showcase Ingenza’s capabilities and expand our ever-increasing technical knowledge.”

This partnership with Ingenza perfectly aligns with our commitment to driving sustainability in biotechnology. By combining the expertise of both companies, we aim to accelerate the development of the next generation of bio-solutions for sustainable ingredients for the personal care market.”

Deby Fapyane, Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Cellugy



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