Synexa Life Sciences enrols in My Green Lab certification program

Synexa Life Sciences, a global provider of biomarker and bioanalytical solutions to the pharmaceutical, biotech, and CRO industries, proudly announces its enrolment in the My Green Lab Certification Program. This strategic move underscores Synexa’s commitment to ensuring its laboratories remain at the forefront of environmental sustainability.

Image Credit: Synexa Life Sciences

By joining the My Green Lab Certification Program, Synexa Life Sciences is taking significant strides towards reducing its environmental footprint. This initiative is a testament to Synexa’s dedication to integrating sustainable practices in its laboratory operations, showcasing a proactive approach to energy and water conservation, waste reduction, and responsible chemical management.

About the My Green Lab certification program

The My Green Lab Certification is the gold standard for laboratory sustainability practices worldwide. This program evaluates labs on their sustainability initiatives, providing a comprehensive framework for continuous improvement in areas such as energy use, water consumption, waste management, and chemical usage. Labs undergo rigorous assessments and receive detailed feedback to guide their journey towards greater environmental responsibility.

Program details and future plans

Synexa Life Sciences will first certify its Cape Town Lab first under this globally recognised standard. The certification process includes initial assessments, recommendations for sustainability improvements, and a follow-up evaluation after 6-8 months. This iterative process ensures that Synexa’s lab not only meets but also exceeds the benchmarks set for sustainable practices.

Looking ahead, Synexa plans to expand its laboratory certifications across more sites, ultimately aiming for company-wide certification, reflecting a long-term commitment to sustainability.

Enrolling in the My Green Lab Certification Program aligns perfectly with our drive to deliver high-quality, environmentally conscious laboratory services. This certification is a critical step in our ongoing efforts to minimize our ecological impact and foster a culture of sustainability within our organisation.”

Emile Lens, Chief Executive Officer, Synexa Life Sciences

Scott Grant, Senior Programs Director at My Green Lab, comments: “We are thrilled to welcome Synexa Life Sciences to the My Green Lab Certification Program. Their commitment to sustainability and proactive approach to reducing their environmental footprint are commendable. We look forward to supporting their journey towards integrating more sustainable laboratory practices.”


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