1. Justin Sells Justin Sells United States says:

    Low carb can certainly work for weight loss, which is in itself healthy, but it is by no means optimal. It is quite hilarious that (1) the main argument for it's supposed health benefits is the o6/o3 ratio, which isn't proven (and has strong correlations to simply poor diet), and (2) the sodium/potassium ratio, which...can both be achieved with carbs.

    The fact that it was funded by and written by employees and shareholders of Atkins and other low-carb products shows just how dreadful health research has become. This should not be reported on in any capacity.

    Don't cut carbs, people. Lose weight in healthier ways than elimination/crash diets.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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