1. Bill Watson Bill Watson United States says:

    A common sense blunt fix for health care.

       1. Set up a civilian, VA style, public health care system for delivering all government funded health care and medications free to everyone choosing to use it, no restrictions, rich, and poor, Medicare, Medicaid, etc everybody who wants public care has it free, all services, all medications, free period.
       2. Pay for it with a national sales tax.
       3. Let private insurers and care providers compete for everyone who wants private care, unfettered by government mandates, dictating who must be served, at what level, for what price, and totally unregulated but for safety.
       4. Businesses that choose public care for their employees will have no financial obligations or any other responsibilities concerning health care.

    (The Best Care Anywhere by Phillip Longman)www.washingtonmonthly.com/.../0501.longman.html

    Dispensing health care efficiently, and collecting the money to pay for it cheaply, that's the purpose of the exercise, and no one can compete with the government at these two tasks.

    An OMB study of this dual solution for health care reform compared to any other would leave every other option far behind.

    Everybody healthy and financially better off, including our government, why isn't everybody demanding this?

    This is the best that we can do!

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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