
... in response to Causes of Gender Dysphoria
  1. Pamela Grant-Stickney Pamela Grant-Stickney United States says:

    There is no evidence of GID starting in the womb, areas affected by sex hormones such as BSTc don't become different in men and women until adulthood. Intersex conditions can happen at birth, but GID cannot happen in the womb, I was told this by a endocrinologist who is a specialist in GID and intersex conditions with 30yrs experience to back it up.

    • Junie Aiko Junie Aiko Australia says:

      We don't know enough about the brain to make definite statements, except to say that at the moment, substantial evidence is absent, etc. If GID can only happen in adulthood, that doesn't add up with evidence considering how most transsexual people identified with their brain-gender well before adulthood.

      • Jerra Whittaker Jerra Whittaker United States says:

        As a post operative transsexual, my lived experience was always being stereotypically drawn to the same things as my sisters. I always connected with the stereotypical feminine things. Fashion, hygienic things like hair removal, hair length, and style. I gravitated towards feelings and compassion towards others. My inner thoughts drew me to thoughts of physically having female anatomy at around age 9 or 10 years old even in an extremely masculine household. I always knew one day I would transition physically to female anatomy, and I
        did. After that, I simply have lived in that experience. Quietly and fully in a females world without any agenda. I wish to left alone and to live out my days with my fully informed husband.

    • Kit Slagle Kit Slagle United States says:

      Since my earliest memories I felt something was wrong. I felt like a freak from my childhood to an adult. I had to fake things that did not feel natural to me so I could blend in the best I could. You spend most of your life acting a part and otherwise I felt like I would not be accepted by my peers or my family. And you spend so much time acting and putting up walls that you forget why your doing it or who you are. I looked back on my life and I had many memories but in many ways it all felt like a fog. Even though I remember everything it felt like I was living some one ells's life. I could not make sense of why I felt that way. Back in 2013 my Dad past away and the walls I had put up started falling. Many memories I had stuffed away started coming back in a rush and realized why I spent so many years in depression and feeling miserable. At this point many would think I would go off and get HRT and get surgery, but no. I am one of the few that has elected not to because I can't stand the thought of losing everyone I love. And there are other reasons but many would not understand those. The reason why I commented is because its not something that comes about when you are an adult, you suffer from it your whole life. And I hate it when people that do not understand what a person like I and others like me go through talk about it as though they were an authority on my life. I have lived it, you have not and so can not begin to talk about what you do not know. I am not trying to be an ass but you have no idea what me and others have gone through our whole lives(not just adulthood). It is miserable existence, acting out a life that is not you at all. You realize that no one you know truly knows you but only the part you play. Like I said I love my family and even though they don't know me I know enough about them that I want to keep them in my life so I am one of the few that has chosen to remain silent, but your not family so I have no problem telling you.

      • Ven Vara Ven Vara Oman says:

        when i was  in young age i didnt know what to do . Then i started to act of course unsuccessfully . Still today now i am 50 years old no marriage or no friends still suffering in loneliness depression

      • Ven Vara Ven Vara Oman says:

        I feel guilty that i never was a good son to my mother more of rebellious . two times i run away from my family . My mother could not help me for this problem  but she loved me . Now i cry everyday that I was not a good son for her

      • Patricia Schaefer Patricia Schaefer United States says:


        Even though your comment was posted a long time ago, I felt I had to respond. i'm very moved by what you have written. I recently started a relationship with a MTF transgender person.  She is a wonderful, smart, kind and beautiful person and she gave up quite a bit later in life to transition.  She lost a career in finance, and moved locations, but in the end, it was worth it to her to save her life.  I can't claim to know or really fully understand her transition.  But I admit that, and do the best I can to love and support her, even if at times I wonder at this complex thing we both grapple.  My point is that there is hope, and a loving full relationship, both emotional and sexual, with someone who loves you is not a dream. It is not impossible.  I have never felt closer to anyone than I do her and I admire her courage.  I  truly hope you find love and happiness, and the intimate joy of being known by another. You have my best. Thank you for your insightful comments.

      • Alan Alan Alan Alan United Kingdom says:

        Kit, I hear what you’re saying, I read your reply and it was my life completely.  The acting a part, you’re always on the outside looking in at what you should have been.  It is a hard life, as a child the things you desire are denied to you and substituted with other unwanted things.  And yes it is a fog.

    • Lee Kidd Lee Kidd United States says:

      Most transgender children know their true gender by age two, according to my doctors and multiple documentaries I've seen. I knew by at least age 5 and it was a huge issue for me my entire life, especially during grade school through high school. It has caused numerous health problems in my adult life because I didn't have the support and correct info. that I needed. The American Psychiatric Association no longer considers being transgender or transexual a mental disorder or illness.

    • Steven Stone Steven Stone United States says:

      Another Christian bigot promoting faux science by the other Chrisitan bigot named "Dr McHugh" who has been discredited by all medical and psychological consensus? I find it fascinating how trolls so suspiciously interested in this subject seem to crawl their way to every legitimate scientific journal/research in order to disseminate false information on the subject.
      Seek help from a qualified psychologist because your well known behavior is pathological

      • Todd Reinerio Todd Reinerio United States says:

        When one uses terms like "Chrisitan bigot" (which you misspelled), "trolls" and other such terms, you reveal your own inner hate and bigotry. The average person could give two craps until there becomes such time as to be forced to endure the constant barrage of 'you have to accept me" or "you have to like it" or, much like you just did, ad hom attacks they are forced to choose a stance. Considering that less than 1% of the total population has this condition, it should have special rights considerations since as most state, actual cause is unknown.

        • Lilly Faye Crowson Lilly Faye Crowson United States says:

          Since I am a Christian I will not use "such terms". But you cannot speak about what you don't know about. When you have walked a mile in my shoes, then you may comment on how I feel.
          Blessings and peace...

      • Linda White Linda White United States says:

        Not a mental disease

    • R S R S United States says:

      One of the things that an endocrinologist treats is hormonal sexual dysfunction and may not have studied transgender origin and is just giving you her/his opinion from her/his understanding, without the knowledge about the research.  Research on cadavers shows opposite sex brain structures in transgender people.  The origin is from pre birth.  The brain was formed differently and the theory is that biologically it happens at conception or at the 8 week mark of pregnancy.  The article is correct.  A endocrinologist or any doctor should know the difference between assumption and knowledge gained from studying and research.  Your endocrinologist made quite a leap in judgment.  Just because you have an area of knowledge doesn't mean you know everything about a specific specialty withint that field.  This is why we have the judgmental society with have.  Doctors giving opinions like it is fact.

    • Jane Ruge-Petz Jane Ruge-Petz United States says:

      What someone says is never written in stone when it comes to a complicated topic such as this.  The medical profession certainly doesn't have a 100% understanding on how our body works.  As it becomes easier to study issues like this with better technology the understanding grows.   Being closed minded never helps our understanding of a complicated biological topic such as this.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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