Image credit: Promega
The Maxwell® RSC PureFood Pathogen Kit is designed to provide an easy and automated method for efficient purification of DNA used in PCR-based testing for food pathogen identification. Used with the Maxwell® RSC Instrument, the kit can effectively purify DNA from 1—16 food matrix samples in 40 minutes
Download the full article for efficient and reliable automated DNA extraction protocols from food samples in five steps with no enzymatic treatment
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About Promega
With a portfolio of more than 3,000 products covering the fields of genomics, protein analysis and expression, cellular analysis, drug discovery and genetic identity, Promega is a global leader in providing innovative solutions and technical support to life scientists in academic, industrial and government settings.
Promega products are used by life scientists who are asking fundamental questions about biological processes as well as by scientists who are applying scientific knowledge to diagnose and treat diseases, discover new therapeutics, and use genetics and DNA testing for human identification.
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