This case study has been carried out by Carol Stonham MBE, a Medical Advisory Board member. Carol has worked as a registered nurse since 1986, shifting from acute hospital care to primary care by 1990. She currently works at the Gloucestershire ICB, leading the Respiratory Clinical Programme Group and co-leading the NHSE South West Respiratory Network.

Image Credit: NObreath
This case study aims to emphasize the value of Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) testing in asthma care and explain why the NObreath® FeNO device is the product of choice. The NObreath® conducts a non-invasive test that measures nitric oxide levels in exhaled breath. High levels of nitric oxide may indicate airway inflammation, a common characteristic of allergic asthma.
Asthma is a common respiratory condition affecting approximately 5.4 million individuals in the UK. A significant number of asthma-related deaths occur each year, many of which are believed to be preventable. This underscores the critical need to increase awareness about FeNO testing and its essential role in the diagnosis and management of asthma.
Carol says, “When looking into the different devices, the NObreath® suited what I was looking for. I wanted something that had a really good approval process as I wanted something that would be reliable. I wanted something that was going to be easy for the patients to use but also easy to teach the healthcare professionals to use. The cost always comes into it, this is something we always need to be careful about within the NHS. Finally, it needed to be something that would offer a sustainable service for a long time.”

Image Credit: NObreath
Carol continues:
I remember one gentleman who came to me who had asthma for quite a long time, most of his life, but was a patient who used his inhalers as and when he fancied and had really poor inhaler technique, and as a result had really poor control of his asthma. He really felt that he was doing the right thing, so we went through the process of explaining what asthma is, how the inhalers work, explaining the inflammatory nature and then carried out a FeNO test to measure his FeNO levels and demonstrate this to him.
He was really shocked that even though he thought his asthma was well controlled, it wasn’t. He was receptive to me helping him to use his inhalers with better technique and using them more regularly. He came back to see me 4 weeks later and he felt like a whole new man which was fantastic and his FeNO had dropped considerably. So, this is a really good intervention to get control of asthma symptoms.

Image Credit: NObreath
Watch the case study
This case study demonstrates the advantages of utilizing the NObreath FeNO device while also highlighting the impact of FeNO testing in asthma care.
Revolutionising Asthma Care: FeNO Breath Test Insights with Carol Stonham
Video Credit: NObreath
Featuring Carol Stonham, the study underscores the NObreath’s user-friendliness, making it ideal for both adults and children. It also showcases how FeNO testing enhances asthma care by providing more accurate insights for tailored treatment. Ultimately, this study illustrates why the NObreath® FeNO device is the optimal product for supporting asthma diagnosis and management.
References and further reading
- Asthma + Lung UK (2021). What Is Asthma? (online). Available at:
About NObreath
The NObreath® is a FeNO device by Bedfont® Scientific Ltd. which can be used to measure airway inflammation for the management and diagnosis of asthma.
Our mission is to help improve asthma diagnosis & management of adults and children worldwide through FeNO measuring. Our purpose is to make FeNO measuring more accessible globally, with the creation of an effective yet cost-efficient FeNO device and equally low cost consumables.
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