The eyeblink conditioning system is a portable, turnkey system that uses menu-driven software that connects via a straightforward USB interface to guarantee high-quality data collection and analysis. The sensor is supported by comfortable headgear, making it possible to watch the subjects' responses. It can trace eyeblink conditioning and establish connections with rabbits and humans for classic conditioning.

Image Credit: San Diego Instruments, Inc.
- Scores for data reduction software Conditioned Response, Unconditioned Response, and Alpha
- Using a USB interface, quickly and simply connect the gadget to a PC
- To stimulate the left, right, or both ears, manipulate sound
- Use a headset and headphones made for comfort and visual reaction monitoring to produce high-quality data
- The system adjusts to the eyeblink conditioning of sheep and rabbits
- A video about one-year-old children's classical short-delay eyeblink conditioning
The Eyeblink conditioning system (EBC) from SDI is frequently used in research on psychopharmacology, fundamental learning, and the behavioral effects of Alzheimer's and other illnesses.
It is a fully functional, turnkey testing unit that is portable from the lab to off-site testing locations. The Eyeblink conditioning system uses easy-to-use integrated headgear with an air tube built in to provide an air puff and a photoelectric cell to track the eyeblink response. The sonic stimulus is delivered using a different pair of headphones.
Utilize the laptop by connecting via a common USB interface, which makes the setup incredibly portable. In addition to conducting a test session, the Eyeblink conditioning system software offers scoring and reporting features to facilitate analysis.
SDI has modified the Eyeblink conditioning system for use with sheep and rabbits as part of its ongoing efforts to make testing equipment as adaptable as feasible.
Highlights of the Eyeblink conditioning system include:
No technical knowledge required for set up
By using a regular USB interface to connect to a laptop or PC, EBC eliminates the need for specific interface cards and drivers, which were frequently difficult to set up and required a high level of technical expertise.
Comfortable headset and headphones generate best-quality data
Using the comfortable headset from EBC, which provides an unhindered view of the subject's eyeblink responses, users can administer low-pressure air puffs and record their answers. The lightweight headset uses an air puff tube to deliver an unconditioned stimulus and a low-power infrared emitter/receiver that monitors the quantity of light reflected as the eyelid closes to generate a response.
The subject's left and right eyes can be switched between. Using equally comfortable headphones, users can present audio stimulation to either the left or right ear or both.
Menu-driven software makes testing easy
Use the Eyeblink conditioning system menu-driven software to rapidly and simply create session and trial definitions. The software records the eyeblink data throughout each session and manages the stimulus, audio, and air puff.
Both printed reports and on-screen displays offer complete response waveforms categorized as "alpha, CS, or US." The Special Analysis software automatically looks for secondary peaks in these waveforms.
People can establish the response amplitude threshold and specify boundaries to distinguish between alpha, CS, and US responses. Following the completion of sessions, any or all responses can be saved to composite secondary data files.
System components include
- Photo Reaction and Tactile Delivery Head Gear
- PC Interface Board
- Eyeblink software
- Stimulus Module
- Response Module
- User handbook
- Calibrated headphones
- Eyeblink Visual Indicator (optional)
- All cables and connectors
The measurements are 9.25" (W) × 9.375" (D) × 5.875" (H).
4 lb
Maximum # stations
Standard cable length
6 ft
Stimuli options
Tone, Air
Portable air puff unit
There is no need for an air tank because the machine has a tiny compressor.
Heart rate sensor
Digital I/O module
If the Digital I/O module is purchased, the same three digital output lines and one input line with a switch closing signal are provided.
Visual indicator
The Visual Indicator Unit was created as an addition to the Eyeblink program for researchers who wish to capture the subject on video while they are being tested.
Portable air puff unit
- The unit features a compact compressor, removing the need for an air tank
Heart rate sensor
Digital I/O module
- When the Digital I/O module is included, it offers three digital output lines and one input line, utilizing a switch closure signal.
Visual indicator
- The Visual Indicator Unit is designed to complement the Eyeblink software, catering to researchers requiring video recording subjects during testing.