Apr 3 2008
A special industrial relations meeting to try and resolve the crisis in the Torres Strait has had some success.
At a Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) hearing held on Thursday Island yesterday between the Queensland Nurses Union (QNU) and Queensland Health, it was agreed nurses would return to work from Thursday but under special conditions.
The nurses walked off the job and left the islands last week after disputes regarding security and maintenance were highlighted by the alleged rape of a nurse on Mabuiag Island on February 5th.
Gay Hawksworth the spokeswoman for the Queensland Nurses Union (QNU) says members have agreed to return to work as soon as flights can be arranged.
The breakthrough came after a two-week trial of two persons on call was agreed to at the hearing which Ms Hawksworth says will safeguard their security.
The upgrading of facilities and security at clinics and accommodation continues with promises that maintenance levels will be sustained.