Announces VSO Support For Lung Cancer Legislation
Lung Cancer Alliance (LCA) salutes all veterans today on Veterans Day and announces the launch of a new webpage with information specifically for veterans on lung cancer -- the leading cause of cancer death among veterans.
LCA also announces that major veteran service organizations (VSOs) have gone on record in support of the Lung Mortality Reduction Act, including AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans, Paralyzed Veterans of America and Veterans of Foreign Wars, as well as members of the Veterans Health Council including Vietnam Veterans of America and Veterans of Modern Warfare.
"We extend our support and best wishes to all veterans on this special day of remembrance and recommit our dedication to improving the earlier detection, treatment and outcomes for veterans who are at higher lung cancer risk than the civilian population," said Laurie Fenton Ambrose, President and CEO of LCA.
The Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction Act of 2009 is the first bicameral legislation authorizing a comprehensive program on lung cancer research.
Under the bills, which were introduced earlier this year in the House of Representatives and the Senate, three major departments of government -- Health and Human Services, Defense and Veterans Affairs -- would be required to develop a coordinated approach on research, earlier detection, prevention and treatment to reduce lung cancer mortality significantly over the next five years.
Funding for the mission-oriented program would be contingent of the scope and quality of the plan, which would be reviewed annually by Congress to gauge progress and assure accountability.
The bills specifically cite the higher incidence and mortality rates of lung cancer among veterans.
A new webpage on veterans and lung cancer can be viewed by clicking on the U.S. Flag icon on LCA's homepage at
LCA is an original founding member of the Veterans Health Council and has worked closely with key VSO's on the Independent Budget (IB), the official funding recommendations of these organizations to the VA and Congress.
For the past three years the IB has included a request for funding for a veterans early detection research program.