Mar 12 2010 announces an investment report featuring NexMed Inc. (Nasdaq:NEXM). The report includes financial, comparative and investment analyses, and industry information you need to know to make an educated investment decision.
The full report is available at:
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NexMed (NEXM) is the largest specialty CRO based in San Diego, Calif., and is one of the industry's most experienced CROs for in vitro and in vivo pharmacology services and research models. The Company's goal is to generate revenues from the growth of its Discovery Pre-clinical CRO business, while aggressively seeking to monetize its proprietary NexACT drug delivery technology throughout licensing agreements with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, worldwide. The Company is actively pursuing partnering opportunities for its NexACT-based treatments for onychomycosis, psoriasis, sexual dysfunction and cancer.
In the report, the analyst notes:
"The market for drug therapies to treat male sexual disorders is approximately $4.3 billion, with sales expected to grow at a compounded rate of 4.9% per year until 2012, according to life sciences research firm BioPortfolio Ltd. Some form of erectile dysfunction (ED) affects a little more than half of the male population between the age of 40 and 70 years, according to the Massachusetts Male Aging study (MMAS).
"The Company's drug discovery and development arm, NexMed USA, has an extensive product pipeline ranging from early stage products to NDA stage products in the areas of dermatology, sexual dysfunction, pain, and potentially moving into oncology."
SOURCE Beacon Equity Research/td>