Mar 17 2010
Alpha II, a leader in healthcare coding, compliance and reimbursement, announced today a contract with MedAppz to integrate Alpha II’s CodeWizard software with iSuite. This integration of technologies will allow iSuite users to generate evaluation and management codes (E&M), delivering a more decisive calculation based on history, exam and medical decision making information obtained from medical records.
“We’re excited about the introduction of CodeWizard to the MedAppz iSuite”
“We’re excited about the introduction of CodeWizard to the MedAppz iSuite,” said Stuart Newsome, vice president, business development of Unicor Medical, one of the software developers behind the Alpha II cobranded solution. “Through this integration, CodeWizard will dramatically enhance accurate E&M code determinations based on E&M documentation guideline elements and CodeWizard’s proprietary methods for measuring risk and medical necessity. We’re excited that one of the industry’s leading developers of ambulatory care software is building on the already established benefits of CodeWizard.”
The integration with iSuite uses CodeWizard’s E&M generation functionality, which ultimately helps to prevent both E&M over-coding and under-coding. Overall, CodeWizard is designed to improve revenue cycles through an enhanced medical necessity database, as well as a clinically-oriented code search.
“This integration with CodeWizard brings even greater strength to iSuite version 4, a MedAppz product which is CCHIT Certified for ambulatory EHR,” said Brian Lichtlin, CEO of MedAppz, which is located in Wichita, Kan. “We find that in trying to address the risks of over-coding, users sometimes err by under-coding. The integration with CodeWizard resolves these issues through the ability to better determine the complexities involved in the medical decision making component of E&M codes and improve calculations in history and exam criteria.”