Nov 3 2010
GlobalNet Services, Inc., a premier information technology provider for businesses and the Federal government, today announced that the company was awarded a $53 million contract by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Web Support and Hosting Services. Through this five-year contract, which includes one base year and four option years, GlobalNet Services will provide Web content management, Web site development and support services for the FDA's external and internal Web sites and Web applications.
“The public, regulated industry and other government agencies rely on the FDA Web site to provide timely and accurate information”
"The public, regulated industry and other government agencies rely on the FDA Web site to provide timely and accurate information," said Ori Reiss, President and CEO of GlobalNet Services. "The FDA's selection of GlobalNet Services to continue to manage the Web support and hosting services for the Agency validates our position as an innovative IT leader. Having worked with the Agency for over 15 years, we have an in-depth understanding of the FDA's needs, along with the expertise necessary to develop innovative and cost effective solutions that will enhance the FDA's future Web hosting and support needs."
Under this contract, GlobalNet Services will maintain and enhance the FDA intranet and Internet sites and provide project management, hosting services, application development and maintenance, search solutions and technical expertise supporting the FDA's Web content management systems and Web applications. GlobalNet Services will also provide the FDA with Web analytics and Web caching services including technical support associated with these functions.