The American Physical Society (APS) agrees with President Obama's emphasis on science in his proposed Fiscal Year 2012 budget. His priorities keep the nation on a path of scientific advancement, technological innovation and economic growth.
APS is pleased that the President's budget maintains a doubling path for the three scientific agencies that are crucial to our nation's future competitiveness - the Department of Energy's Office of Science, the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Scientists, who receive funding from these agencies, are engaged in research that will generate solutions to the country's most pressing challenges, including developing technologies that will generate new, clean energy for all Americans.
APS recognizes that the President had to make tough choices at a time when the nation is confronted with mounting deficits. And we believe he made the right choice. If the U.S. is to "out-innovate, out-educate and out-build the rest of the world," the country must focus on scientific research, education and innovation - a proven strategy leading to job creation and sustained economic growth.
"The President's budget is consistent with the bipartisan approach taken by former President George W. Bush and congressional Democrats during the last four years. Science should not be a partisan issue," said Michael S. Lubell, director of public affairs for APS. "The President's budget sustains momentum envisioned by Bush's American Competitiveness Initiative and the America COMPETES Act."