Jul 7 2011
The PRIME-XS consortium is a strategic collaboration of research groups from twelve international institutes, leading in the field of proteomics. PRIME-XS provides an infrastructure of state-of-the-art proteomics technologies to the European biological and biomedical research community.
PRIME-XS is providing open and competitive access to their proteomics instrumentation and expertise.
Over 50 state-of-the-art mass spectrometers and associated proteomics technologies are available at six access facilities. Different access facilities will host research projects with different requirements.
The six transnational access facilities of PRIME-XS are:
- Netherlands Proteomics Centre Utrecht The Netherlands
- VIB Proteomics Unit Ghent Belgium
- Functional Genomics Center Zurich Switzerland
- CRG/UPF Proteomics Unit Barcelona Spain
- Cambridge Center for Proteomics Cambridge United Kingdom
- CEA Proteomics technological platform Grenoble France
European researchers can request access to proteomics techniques at the six access facilities of PRIME-XS via an online application. Researchers can choose a preferential access facility where the project should be carried out and propose the proteomics technology they would like to use.
Users of the access facilities can get practical support with final sample preparation and staff of PRIME-XS will perform the proteomics data acquisition. Users will be able to visit the access facility, gain experience on sample preparation, sample analysis and data handling and analysis.
The costs for execution of the proposals are funded by PRIME-XS as part of the European 7th Framework Programme.
As of July 5, 2011, researchers in all EU member states and associated countries can submit their