Research Councils UK (RCUK) today (21st October) welcome the recommendations made in the NAO's Value for Money study of the project to establish the RCUK Shared Service Centre (SSC). We thank the NAO for endorsing, through their recommendations, the approach that the Research Councils are already taking to ensure that the SSC's service matures quickly. The Research Councils also welcome the conclusion of the report that, further to the savings already achieved, the SSC is showing "significant scope for further savings."
This has been an unprecedented project in bringing together the processes of seven distinct organisations and lessons have been learnt throughout it. The project has taken longer and cost more than anticipated, due to the complexities of ensuring that the system could fulfil the needs of all seven Research Councils. Through the establishment of the SSC a solution has been developed that allows the Councils to save money on administration, harmonise processes and ensure that the resulting savings are returned for investment in research which will contribute to the future growth, prosperity and wellbeing of the UK.
There have been some issues during the time that the Councils were adopting the new processes, but these issues are being resolved. The NAO audit took place just two months after completion of the project and, although it is estimated that shared service centres usually take 18 to 24 months to reach maturity, the Research Councils, RCUK SSC Ltd and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) are working in partnership to implement an action plan, to ensure that full service maturity is achieved quickly.
The Research Councils remain fully committed to the shared service approach they have adopted and will continue to work with RCUK SSC Ltd and BIS to ensure that the SSC becomes even more cost effective so that savings can be invested back in science and research.