Every year at New Year's millions of people make resolutions to change habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking, overeating, exercise, etc. However, research by Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol shows that only 12% of New Year's resolutions succeed; the other 88% fail. What is the difference between those who succeed and those who fail? Do some of us have wills of iron whereas others have wills of Silly Putty? Not at all. The research on behavioral change tells us that there are several concrete factors which anyone can utilize in order to successfully make behavioral changes. These involve choosing a realistic goal, making a detailed and concrete plan to achieve that goal step by step, and having a support network to encourage you to succeed with your goal without criticizing you for slipping up.
HAMS is a free-of-charge, lay-led support group which can help you to change your drinking habits for the better. The acronym HAMS stands for Harm reduction, Alcohol Abstinence, and Moderation Support. HAMS supports any positive change, from safer drinking to reduced drinking to quitting alcohol altogether. HAMS offers evidence-based behavioral change tools for this end which include a Cost Benefit Analysis, Drinking Diaries, and worksheets to help you formulate a concrete and realistic Behavioral Change Plan. HAMS also offers concrete strategies to avoid blackouts, drunk driving, and other alcohol related harms. Finally, the HAMS support group is always supportive and never judgmental; HAMS knows that change is a process and that often a few slip ups happen on the way. HAMS offers support online via a chat room and an email group; you need not go out searching for a live meeting - HAMS support is as close as your laptop or iPhone.