No other industry is as thoroughly regulated as the pharmaceutical industry. The active ingredients are legion and so are the standards to test for them. Metrohm’s new brochure "Pharmaceutical analysis" is a highly valuable compendium to get an overall view of the most important parameters determining the quality of pharmaceuticals and the methods best suited to check them. The brochure can be downloaded from this link.
"Pharmaceutical analysis" draws on Metrohm’s comprehensive expertise in assuring the quality of pharmaceuticals. Using the U.S. Pharmacopeia as a reference, the new brochure covers basic general parameters such as pH value, conductivity and water content as well as the determination of specific active ingredients, excipients and impurities.
Methods described include near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), potentiometric, colorimetric and Karl Fischer titration, ion chromatography, stability measurement, voltammetry, atline and online process analysis.
"Pharmaceutical analysis" is an invaluable tool for anyone who is involved in the professional quality assurance of pharmaceutical products. Metrohm’s complete know-how on pharmaceutical analysis is also available on their website.