New Approaches for Fighting Demodex Mites

By Keynote ContributorBy Dr. Kathryn Najafi-Tagol, MDFounder and Medical Director of the Eye Institute of Marin

By Dr. Kathryn Najafi-Tagol, MD, Founder and Medical Director of the Eye Institute of Marin

Demodex mites are one of the most challenging problems that ophthalmologists and optometrists face in the routine care of their patients.

© Kalcutta /

These mites are microscopic parasites that live on eyelids and other parts of the face. One of the two species, Demodex folliculorum, buries itself face down near the roots of eyelashes. It uses a seven-clawed organ (a “palpus”) to grab hold of cells. Then it feasts on the cells that line the follicle, sucking out their innards with a retractable needle in the middle of a round mouth.

The waste material the mites produce builds up as debris on the eyelids and causes inflammation.

In addition, the D. folliculorum typically carries Staphylococcus and Bacillus oleronius bacteria.

© Kalcutta /

The combination of mites and bacteria causes blepharitis, a condition suffered by more than 20 million Americans, where the eyes become red, irritated and painful, and crusty debris builds up on the eyes.

Meanwhile, the other species, Demodex brevis, burrows into meibomian gland to feed, often plugging up this crucial gland. The gland produces an oily substance that’s necessary to keep tears from evaporating. As a result, the D. brevis mites are associated with meibomian gland disease, also known as dry eye.

These parasites are common. One study found them in 25% of 20-year-olds, 30% of 50-year-olds and 100% in patients older than 90 years old.

My own patients are usually horrified when I tell them that there are tiny parasites, which are relatives of ticks, spiders, and scorpions, feasting on cells around their eyes.

So how can we fight these parasites? There are several approaches, which can be combined to attack the mites on multiple fronts:

Tea Tree Oil

At high concentrations, tea tree oil is a potent killer of Demodex mites. The problem is that solutions of 100% tea oil, or other high concentrations, are very irritating to the eye. So one approach is to thoroughly wipe the eyelashes and eyebrows with a diluted solution of tea tree oil, from 5% to 50%. We can also first use an anesthetic eyedrop to lessen the irritation from the tea tree oil.

In one study, a daily lid wipe with a 5% solution of tea tree oil reduced both the numbers of mites and the perceived itchiness of the eyes.3 Until recently, tea tree oil was the main method of keeping the mites in check.

Antibiotics & Steroids

An antibiotic steroid ointment can help prevent the mites from moving. It may even suffocate them. The combination of antibiotics and steroids is also a standard treatment for blepharitis. The steroid reduces inflammation, which is caused by the mites, the bacteria, and treatments like tea tree oil wipes. In addition, the antibiotic helps control the bacteria.

The problem with this approach is that steroids can worsen glaucoma, while chronic use of antibiotics can lead to the development of bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotics.

Hypochlorous Acid

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a naturally occurring substance produced by white blood cells as a first defense against microbial invaders. Its antimicrobial properties were recognized more than 100 years ago, when solutions containing HOCl were used to combat infections in the wounds of soldiers injured in WWI.

Only recently, however, has it been possible to manufacture a stable, pure version of HOCl. HOCl has potent antimicrobial properties. Laboratory studies show that it effectively kills the nymph form of the Demodex mites, as well as the Bacillus oleronius and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that live on eyelids and that are found inside the Demodex gut. In addition, HOCl also neutralizes the inflammatory toxins released by both mites and bacteria.

Moreover, unlike tea tree oil, HOCl is completely non-toxic and non-irritating.

© Nyrelle Hawkins /

Home Hygiene

Treating eyes and eyelids can bring quick relief to patients, many of whom have suffered from Demodex mites, blepharitis, or dry eye for years.

But there are also steps patients can take at home to further reduce the problem. I recommend washing sheets and pillowcases in hot water and drying with the hottest possible dryer setting to kill the mites that might otherwise jump from bedding to faces. In some cases, it might even help to get new pillows. Patients might also consider not using makeup for a week, and discarding their old makeup.

Many doctors worry that patients won’t comply with the treatments they recommend. But I find that once I describe to patients how parasites are burrowing into their cells and feasting on their bodies, especially if I show them pictures of the microscopic creatures, I get their attention and their complete cooperation. In addition, if the treatment is irritating like tea tree oil products, the patients are less likely to be compliant; however, if the therapy feels comfortable and makes the eyelids feel more refreshed, the patients are more likely to adhere to the regime.

And the good news is that, after years of fighting mites and treating chronic blepharitis, new approaches are making it more likely that we can finally effectively control these conditions.




Further Reading

Disclaimer: This article has not been subjected to peer review and is presented as the personal views of a qualified expert in the subject in accordance with the general terms and condition of use of the News-Medical.Net website.

Last Updated: Jan 3, 2023


  1. Linda Haghgoo Linda Haghgoo United States says:

    Wash your face as soon as possible when you wake up because they retreat into us when light hits them. I use Kirk's coconut soap

  2. Helen Turner Helen Turner United States says:

    Anyone have an idea what to do with our cloth stuffed recliners we use to take naps in the afternoon? The article suggest throwing pillows away.



    • Queen Belle Queen Belle United States says:

      They are harmful, my kids and I suffer from them badly they inside my mouth teeth have fallen out because of them my eyes my lashes and ears all over my entire body.. as my older kids have babies the newborn babies comes out with them and u notice them in pics when u zoom in and see them light up white sparkling spots.. but I feel them burrowing in my scalp everywhere constantly.. Tea tree oild does nothing the sea salt and goat milk soap does nothing I have pics of them .. so if there is anything else that really works plz help

      • Jasmine Knight Jasmine Knight United States says:

        i have the same issue and it is very annoying

      • pzl mich pzl mich United States says:

        use Davis Sulfur benz shampoo to open your pores then pour lime sulfur dip over your body.  spray thyme oil over clothes, sheets, pillows, towels etc and use kleen free preformed enzyme cleaner to wash clothes.

        • pzl mich pzl mich United States says:

          Apple Cider Vinegar works great!  It is by far the best treatment I have found for my hair and body! When I'm in the shower I have ACV in a spray bottle and I soak my hair and spray my entire body. Wait for 10 minutes, rinse.  It kills all forms of the mite including the eggs.  I did that twice a day for 5 days, once a day for 10 days, then every other day for only 5 minutes.  It is very drying so I use Moo Goo MSM cream on my face and body.  I have long hair so after I rinse I turn my head upside down and put conditioner only on the hair, not the scalp--rinse it.  I've easily spent a thousand dollars and the cure was quite simple. Also, I bought a 32oz bottle of permethrin and I put 1oz in each load of laundry so I didn't reinfect myself.  Cedarwood oil is awesome sprayed on my mattress and around my bed,  it kills the little bastards and the house smells great! Also, vacuum everyday. Also, I am taking neem capsules, MSM capsules, and NAC as a little insurance. I rarely feel a bug and I am immunosuppressed and taking steroids. Hope this helps someone! Peace!

      • Dolly Flop Dolly Flop United Kingdom says:

        I tried everything that's suggested for these parasites, and not much works 100%. However, I found that by washing my hair and combing it through with the shampoo on, and vigorously rubbing and cleaning my hair and scalp for 5 minutes non-stop, rinsing and then repeating, and keeping the washing, rubbing, and whatever else we do when cleaning our hair going for another 5 minutes, then combing through and rinsing, and then using a good hair conditioner and again really rubbing it into the hair and scalp without stopping, and then leaving the conditioner on while I deal with the body demodex I have all over me—washing with soap and water and again making sure I clean each area without stopping for a few minutes, stopping occasionally to rub the conditioner into my hair and scalp—it does seem to drown them. At least that's what seems to happen. I use something called Dimethicone on my skin that makes them come out, but you can only use it a couple of times a week. However, if you give yourself good treatment from the start and keep it up as much as you are able to, it will help you a lot. You can only leave the benzyl benzoate on for so long. Also, the hairdryer, if you can use it on the skin and hold it there for a few moments, helps dry it up, too. Homeopathy pellets with sulfur are excellent for skin mites and such. I think you'll find it's a combination of things that help you get rid of them for good. Good luck.

      • Leslie Brown Leslie Brown United States says:

        I'm so glad I've seen your comment about them in your mouth and as a result your teeth falling out I'm having the same problem but when I Google to see if it could be the months making my teeth bad I have found nothing nothing no website has said that they even have said that they don't get in your mouth and something's causing mine to go bad and I've always had good teeth all my life they are getting bad quick their nail in my front for top teeth and I have no insurance to go to the dentist and I need to figure out something to get these out of my mouth so when I seen your comment I was glad finally someone is saying it is the mites.. if anyone knows anything I could use to kill these in my mouth I would be much appreciative of any advice I can get willing to try anything at this point...¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯

      • Patricia James Baldwin Patricia James Baldwin United States says:

        I have the exact same symptoms and they are in my lungs. I would love to know what you did to get rid the mites  or under control. You're right, they can be seen. The ones on me grow to be the size if a pin head and larger. My face looks like I've aged 25 years from the irritation and deed cleaning of my skin. They are on my back as well. Thank you and happy healing.

      • Hazeleyes4u Hazeleyes4u United States says:

        I have had the same problems for almost two years . I have also lost teeth and it's all over my body scalp,legs and face. It's very painful.

        Get well

    • Kelly Tackett Kelly Tackett United States says:

      They not only damage your skin and rip every bit of self confidence you once had in yourself away, they make you lose hair, and they’re contagious so if you have kids there goes all physical affection. Cuz you are terrified to even just hug them cuz u don’t ever want them to go through what you are. The money spent on products that never seem to work makes people go broke! Nobody wants you cuz you look terrible so the thought u might die alone, hating yourself wishing someone would be there to help you thru it, well let’s say it’s just about enough to make you withdraw from everyone everything u once loved doing and isolate yourself. And that’s not all, ohhhh it gets better!! The effect they have on your mental health is catastrophic! It’s traumatic asf when you know something isnt right with ur body. U know when you live your whole life feeling fine then one day wake up with tiny blonde hairs ALL over parts of your body that once were smooth as a baby’s bottom and feel crawling sensations all damn day and bites everywhere making you look like a meth head and u go to the 10 different doctors, all of which literally call you crazy and delusional. In some cases ppl have been sent to a mental hospital for evaluation! Look at morgellons disease for example. That shit is REAL! And they write everyone off with delusional parasitosis! They send them home with NOTHING but a dose of you’re fucking crazy and delusional have a good day! The ones who are suppose to help us! I guess u wouldn’t know how traumatic that is unless you go through it yourself.
      Yes everyone has them but people with low immune systems or oily skin are more prone for an overgrowth. Or maybe even you just go into a store and try on the wrong t shirt one day or have a share a first kiss on a first date and your life is ruined for years if not until you die. All because todays docs are too full of themselves, lazy and ignorant to research anything outside of what they learned in their textbooks 100 yrs ago so it goes left untreated until someone can’t take it no more and offs themself.
      ITS MORE THAN HARMFUL it’s deadly! Even if u don’t die physically. The you that u once were dies and all that exists now is a shell with sores all over it and hollow inside.
      That is all. Lol

  4. Ingrid Tarien Ingrid Tarien United States says:

    Good article. A few questions and comments for clarification:
    1. The mites have no anus and they eventually deteriorate or rupture after their 2 week lifespan (releasing whatever has been building up inside them). (There is reference to “the waste material that mites produce” but they don’t actually produce waste in the sense that they can’t poop, not having an anus. Maybe the reference is to what they have stored up inside them that gets released when they break down/rupture after death).
    2. I’ve read males outnumber females by 4-5x. They come out only at night (thus washing in daytime would have limited effect?). Nothing really reaches them inside the follicle and inside the pores as far as I understand. Can you elaborate on this detail please?
    3. They mate at night near the surface of the skin and the female heads back down to eventually lay about 20 eggs. An army of 20 from any one mite missed is a big threat. Would be great to keep them from mating.
    4. It seems that to be really effective, washing and treating should take place at night (away from light). I don’t know if such simple organisms have any rhythms that tell them what time is appropriate other than sensing bright light (if you cover an eye with a tightly fitting dark cup at noon, will they think it is night?)
    5. Does mineral (or other) oil clog their respiration and kill them? Little is written on Demodex from a phylogenetic perspective. I assume they respire somewhat like termites do, from openings in the sides of their body. If so, they should be capable of being suffocated by such - but reaching them/finding access to them doesn’t seem at all easy (they’re not on top of the skin; when we wash, we wash right over where they reside in the pores).
    6. Don’t know what they are made of (chitin exoskeleton?). With regard to using hot water and hot drying cycle, don’t they expire under water when detergent/soap is added (not pure water, as fleas also walk right off the water - the soap would break the surface tension of water and take them down). I don’t see how they could survive a wash cycle. Seems all air pockets would be pretty much gone in fabrics.
    7. With “jumping” from bedding to face - aren’t these extremely slow crawling .3 mm creatures who only move a very short distance in an hour. They don’t have the ability to “jump,” right? The word may be have been used figuratively.
    8. If they only live about 2 weeks, I imagine they don’t survive in the environment (and certainly can’t mate) - so the environment doesn’t seem like much of a threat unless you’re burying your face in something or using hands in a sloppy way (we don’t want them anywhere, but they’re still ubiquitous on humans). And humans only - they are not transmitted to/from pets (dogs and cats have their own species). I don’t know if they can survive harmlessly on another host long enough to live out their short life, but they would not be able to mate and make more (just like if they were on carpet)

    • Helen Cochems Helen Cochems United States says:

      Hello.  I would sure like to learn more about DIY treatments for scalp mites.  Your post provided useful clarification in many areas.  I especially like your use of the term phylogenetic perspective, which is new to me, and will help me in my search.  Thank you very much.

    • Fausto Chavez Fausto Chavez United States says:

      Itś a myth that they have no anusus. Scientific studies have found that they do indeed poop.

    • Rebecca Tomac Rebecca Tomac United States says:

      I've had an explosion on my nose, eyebrows, ears and head since 2010. The only thing over the years that helped even a little was when I had to take antibiotics for an infected tooth: Clindamycin. However, after taking the antibiotic, they usually came back 2 weeks later. daughter got a waxing kit a few months back & at the time my nose was horribly broke out. We thought why not try waxing them? (literally the ONLY thing I haven't tried over 14 years) worked! She waxed my entire nose twice which did cause some bleeding...but, they have yet to come back and it's been 2 months. (SUCCESS!) I can even feel they are gone. Granted I had zero hair on my nose, so the waxing was a breeze. We are planning on shaving the spot on my head next where they are and try waxing there as well and my ears. I can't imagine the ears hurting at all while waxing! (no hair on the ears). I'll try to remember to update here. If it works, I will finally be pain & patchy skin free after 14 long years of doctors, specialists, medicines, etc. If the wax matters: it's a beeswax made especially for a hotmelt waxing machine.

    • Amber Akers Amber Akers United States says:

      I have suffered for over 3 years, not knowing what this was. I have gotten MRSA from them. Please educate your complete life. They absolutely can cause horrible bacterial infections. You can also catch other people's Demodex mites. Like your spouses.  Or can cause hair loss or blindness. Seriously. QUIT spouting this crap

  5. agauerm agauerm Brazil says:

    Seriously, this is like trying to keep ice dry using a towel every couple of seconds. You will never get rid of this mite if every human being on earth has them and they are spread everywhere...

  6. Carolyn Cornie Carolyn Cornie United States says:

    It is believed that all humans have Demodex mites somewhere on their faces.  It is only when they become at the infested level that we would be aware of them.  I can speak from...horrible...experience.  At the Computer I could feel them crawling up and/or down my neck.  They were in my eyebrows enough to make them itch.  They would crawl on my face, usually at the base of my nostrils.  And, of course, the crunchy stuff on my eyelashes along with the burn and the itch.   I used a substantial routine of all Clinidex products and eventually calmed them all down.   But every few months, I can tell they are multiplying faster again.  Gross....but real.

  7. Jasmine Knight Jasmine Knight United States says:

    i have the same problem and i am getting so frustrated and dont know what to do

  8. Shirley Kubica Shirley Kubica United States says:

    I have this too! I have been to 4 different doctor's and none new anything about these mites! One thought I had scabies and gave me a prescription for permethrin cream to put on from the neck down. Ha! The neck down, these things start on the face! I did rub it on my face too even though the directions said not too! I can say I had relief for a day or 2 at the most. I had done my own research and found an article about these critters and the symptoms of demodex mites, and sure enough , I know this is definitely what I have. I see my dermatologist on the 3rd of August and I am desparately waiting to talk about this and find out everything I have to do to get this under control. I have been going through this for 3 months not eating and hardly sleeping. I've lost 60lbs because of the stress, and almost lost my job because some days I'm to exhausted to work! My life is so upside down and I'm starting counseling because of this! I noticed after the first 2 shots of the vaccines, I've had more and more problems with my immune system! More infections and now this! I am not saying for sure the vaccines started this for sure, but I really want to know if that could be possible?

  9. Leslie Tenney Leslie Tenney United States says:

    I have a friend (seriously) who has everything that was mentioned! Feeling these critters, the sparkles, losing serious weight! Trying to get them under control? I have been beside her through all of her fight against these bugs help! I'm really worried about her! Oh the Doctors thinks she has lost it! Something is going on and some how I need to help her this is very serious business someone please help me help her it's been going on fo over a year!

  10. T England T England United States says:

    Has anyone tried the Hypochlorous Acid?  Did it work on your scalp?  If so brand product bdid you use?

  11. N N Austria says:

    I have the same problem since 2 weeks ago.  It started as  a burning red eye lid. Doc said -eczema . Never had it,  2 weeks after that had  a horrible night itch, my skin was burning all over. Next Doc said , he can see nothing on my skin, no parasites, gave me histamine pills and sent me home. Histamine helped a bit to be able to sleep. And kaboom , 3 days after that my whole face, neck, thighs, chest area were covered with tiny marks/ burrows and 2 long very pronounced on  my forehead, plus a few pimples like a teenager. I cried like a baby. I'm not even 50 and had always beautiful skin all over, now  I look like a shrivelled prune. It's very contagious, you can get it even from a handshake or a kiss on the cheek.I don't know how I will put from now on  an open dress or a bathing suit. I was prescribed  Soolantra , a cream with 10 % ivermectin lol and Elidel to calm the irritation. It stopped the itching , applied it also on chest and neck , although it was not in  the instructions. Unfortunately , the tiny marks/ scars  on my face and body will not disappear.  I understand now, why so many women where I currently live (Austria, Germany) have bad prematurely wrinkled skin, with discolourations. It has nothing to do with the sun and cancer ladies, blame it on the bugs.  My Mom is 70 and has wrinkles only around  the eyes and marionette lines, smooth skin on rest of  the face , without botox. And it's also funny that every 2nd person here has allergy, eczema , psoriasis, peri oral dermatitis, neurodermities and so on. If you enter the pharmacy, half of the shelves are full with allergy tablets and anti-itch creams. Supposedly, the sun kills the bugs. So off we go. I think doctors are kind of powerless at this point. They just shrug and say, some people have bad reactions. A lot of people here have bad skin, because of this problem I think, not just teenagers with acne or rosacea. Everybody around scratching hair and body like they didn't shower for weeks lol.

  12. pzl mich pzl mich United States says:

    I am immunosuppressed and deal with these little bastards constantly.  You can get rid of them or get them under control, rather.  I am getting ready to try NAC and neem oil capsules twice a day to stop recurrences.

    • Mary Spinazola Mary Spinazola United States says:

      I have chronic lymphocytic leukemia and I've been to the dermatologist the infectious disease they don't say anything nothing but after putting tea tree oil on my head half a day and overnight when I combed it the next day with a regular comb a little tiny tiny tiny look like a maggot was on the comb what the heck

  13. t j t j United States says:

    These die right away if you SWEAT! I use a infrared sauna and my hubs just went out and worked in the sun for several days! The sauna needs to be turned up all the way though and I woudl recommend sitting in the sauna while the heat is increasing this way your body gets adjusted to the heat. I am not a physician but read profusely. This method worked for us immediately. Wash/dry all bedding/towels on high heat and vacuum.  Gone!!

    • Helen Taylor Helen Taylor United Kingdom says:

      Eye masks that you heat up - at least to 30 Deg C, will kill the little blighters.  Dry eye now when I wake up, so can't use monthly contacts any more.  I use eye drops to ease my eyes when I wake up - why can't you get eye drops that kill them too?  I'm in the UK, we have stricter rules on what you can sell, with regards to cures for things with no research and official approval, than the USA, I think.  

      Can't use a sauna, have MS and heat makes it worse ....

      • Hyp3r CUBE Hyp3r CUBE United Kingdom says:

        I am in UK as well. Is there anything over the counter meds You have found helpful? Pluss did anyone noticed any demodox activities in "lower parts" like pins and needles sensation?

        • Maree Portlock Maree Portlock Australia says:

          You name it I am getting itching everywhere.. Scalp, eyelashes crusty, Lady parts, outer and inner, oh my god, started with redness on my arm, but that went, and then itching all over, so was racing off to travel away with job, went to an easy to acess med centre, and pushed Dr to give me some cream or something, plus a blood test for allergy and he gave me a referral to a dermatologist all on my instistence, they have no clue sometimes. He said, you have no rash.. omg, as I was rushing I had no time to show him the minute scratching bites, and of course you can't SEE the blasted minute things unless a microscope.. Now going back for blood test results, of course Drs hate you to show them stuff you have found off the bleeding internet don't they.. and I now KNOWs its this freakin' Dimidicosis ..Husband and I grabbed some tea tree oil, and now reading through all the comments have some ammunition about what to do next with the bedding, hair washing etc. Thank goodness. What a palava.. lol
          Good luck everyone. You are not alone at least. We can fight the little blighters. Stay strong in the battle.

          • Rebecca Tomac Rebecca Tomac United States says:

            I had my daughter wax my nose (during a horrible outbreak/no hair on my nose) and it worked! I'm not sure WHY I thought to try it? But so very glad I did. 2 months demodex free on my nose after 14 years of almost all the crazy concoctions mentioned on this page along with several doctors, specialists, medications, etc. I plan on waxing my ears and head next. The bad area on my head is at the base of my, I figure if we shave that section and apply the wax we'll find out if it works! I'm so excited to try it! If the wax matters: it's a hotmelt machine and she uses beeswax cosmetic wax. I have hair down to my waist, so I figure if we shave that section underneath nobody will see it. However, if I had to shave my entire head just to wax it to get rid of this I would. It has consumed my life for 14 years. It's exhausting. I have scars behind my ears from nose is normal (not scaly/red or swollen) for the first time in 14 years. YAY! Praying it works on the other areas!

  14. t j t j United States says:

    Sorry, I meant "an" infrared sauna. My post has disappeared. Hopefully, it will re-appear soon. I was in a hurry to offer help. I may have made other typos as well but hopefully you all will understand what we did to rid ourselves of these.

  15. Ginger H Ginger H United States says:

    As a child (and adult), my eyelashes would sometimes hurt so bad I would pull them out. Thankfully the internet showed me I wasn’t crazy. I always wash my face twice a day and never sleep with make-up on. Change pillowcases a few times a week. TEA TREE OIL is the solution! But not full strength. For most people, it’s a random situation, but for those with autoimmune conditions, including myself, this can be a lifelong issue. For years I thought I had trichotillomania but came to realize that trich is only undiagnosed overactive demodex mites, not a psychological condition.

  16. Michael White Michael White United States says:

    Sorry for bad comment try tetsomo soap from Walmart that should work

  17. Kris Womack Kris Womack United States says:

    This is terrifying! Feeling things crawling on me all the time makes me feel absolutely insane. Sometimes, the sensations and acne aren't so bad, for a week or two, and then for the next week or two (or longer), it's really bad. Has anyone tried waxing the hair off of their face? Not ALL of it, but the little hairs that are everywhere besides your eyebrows and your head? This is literally torture. I got a steam cleaner and berm doing everything and ironing my clothes everyday, going to try the ACV and see how that works...

    • Maree Portlock Maree Portlock Australia says:

      Feel like shaving my head bald for a bit here too dont worry. Lol.. Like when the kids were little the neighbour shaved her poor little girls heads gorgeous hair near clean off as they kept getting the dreaded "nits" (lice) that kids invariable nearly all end up with at school. This all feels like that again, but for adults. Sigh! Gosh who would have thunk it at my age .. 62.. Lol. Oh well.. Life always throws us these curve balls hay. Could always be worse and there is always someone worse off .. we always doing it worse off than yourself. We do need to keep that in mind I guess. It makes you feel like going full bottle OCD though and stripping the carpet up (mind is terrible at the moment as I am renting) if a I move into a house I am thinking of buying, and they have had dogs, the bedrooms with carpet will be going and I think I will put floor boards down and start fresh. Got some great ideas on here though from others.. ACV in the hair sounds good yer Kris Womack. Maybe try the waxing the hair off the face, can't hurt can it. Well maybe only while actually waxing it off.. eek.. but yer.  Worth a try..

  18. Holly Hill Holly Hill Puerto Rico says:

    I hope someone has seen some improvement in their condition. I have the exact same problems you are and just recently was able to diagnose what my problem even was. The demandex mites have gotten into my hair and they're needing it it's ruined I've talked to every doctor that I've seen it's due to my anti immune condition that I suffer and my low white cell blood count. I've asked every doctor I've seen trying to get something somewhere in the last doctor I talked to was an ER doctor and without even looking at me he said shave your head and do have lice and I said this is not lice and I'm a woman and I'm not going to shave my head as I held back tears. Since that date I've been afraid to even go to my doctor's to talk to them about it again. What has worked anything please teach her your oil has been ineffective I have put every single thing I can think of in my hair from vinegar to apple cider vinegar to pure rubbing alcohol 91% and they just won't go away it's ruining my life and nobody seems to understand. I hear that everybody has hair that begins to thin around my age This is not the same thing and they just don't see it. Anyway when I keep up with this group to see if anybody has come across anything that works. I was looking today at a box of stuff that I was given by a friend and they had a honey treatments in there and I might try that because I've done a little research on it but not a lot and I found this group called doing my research. Best to all Holly

    • StylishEffect YouTubeSensation StylishEffect YouTubeSensation United States says:

      The fact that this post was written today makes me feel better, just a little. All the research seems old. I am suffering horribly. I have tried all things listed.. even been to a dermatologist, eye doctor, and teledoc. The teledoc doctor was very familiar with it, but couldn’t prescribed anything unless I was diagnosed. He stated that dead skin needs to be scraped off in the area and placed under a microscope… he said there is a pill that will help once I get diagnosed. I just send new pictures to my dermatologist.. I’m thinking about sending a link to this thread.. because she said “you definitely don’t have bugs” but could tell me what it was that I was feeling. She diagnosed with ccc alopecia.. but it’s the mites that’s ruining me hair and teeth!!!

      • Denise Scott Denise Scott United Kingdom says:

        I too have this nightmare problem, seen 6 consultants one even tried to say I was seeing things that weren't there , cheeky cow. So I did my own skin scrape, get a razor, dry shave your arm or leg, onto a bit of kitchen towel. Now your leg or arm will bleed, every pore where there is a hair the mites actually live inside every hair on the body, I know I freaked out when I first discovered this, I've had this 5 years, I have over 2000 photographs, of the damage to my skin, actual mites,. Anyway get yourself a kids cheap microscope,  buy glass slides , got mine from Temu. I put my skin scrape sample in the slide and looked in my microscope OMG you can see them easily, so I put my mobile phone on camera upto the microscope lens, took photos of them. So after 5 years of fighting with doctors, consultants,dentists yes my teeth were healthy I have lost 8, look like I've aged 20 years , lost hair and confidence. But I'm trying to carry on with the fight. I will win and I will hopefully one day find something that can help us all. Look up a company called NATURAL ENZYMES online and Amazon in UK , you can buy the product in USA too. Called KLEEN GREEN, this is a liquid made from pineapples, it stops the itching of mites, puts on a protective barrier on body and hair. I spray it on or pour into my hand onto my whole body leave it to dry, doesn't take long to dry then your protecting people or animals from catching them from yourself also when the mites come out they die wen they come into contact with the stuff but it's only a day to day to stop the itching, you can't drink it plus mites live in the area under your hair follicle, so until I discover how these can be stopped for good. I've also just began a body detox, I take oregano oil capsual one a day , clove oil capsual 2 a day , flax powder capsual 2 a day. Parasites hate this concoction so see how I get on, I'll keep you all posted. Any questions or wanna chat reach me at [email protected] 👍

    • Fausto Chavez Fausto Chavez United States says:

      The worst of my infestation and symptoms was in my scalp. I didn realize it until I shaved my head. I am a guy so was not a big deal, but I was able to treat my scalp much easier, was badly infested with demodex

  19. Holly Hill Holly Hill Puerto Rico says:

    I don't exactly understand  what this created or extracted.  Is HOCI a naturally occurring product or is it chemically made? Does it require a prescription or can I buy it off the shelf? If so where when I look?

    • Denise Scott Denise Scott United Kingdom says:

      I bought HOCI pure spray for the whole body. They used it during WW2 to help wounds, etc. I eventually purchased NATRASAN—Advanced Hypochloric spray. HOCI is naturally produced by the human body's immune system to fight infection.

  20. jane dowe jane dowe United States says:

    I suffered 3 years with demodex full body. Same experiences and symptoms, dozens of drs clueless to help. After all my research. This is what cured me 100 percent. I bought all my own meds because the drs weren’t going to give me shit. You’d think I was asking for opiates!! Shame on them.. wrote me off as parasitosis as I sat there looking like a crack addict with my body riddled with sores. Demidicosis full body. It was awful.  I used flagyl 500 mg oral 2x a day. And flagy gel 1 percent  and permethrin cream alternating every couple days with the topicals . Stayed on meds a month and a half. Staying on low dose flagyl daily for another month just to be sure the are gone. Hypochlorite acid spray after showered and face wash and waited a few hours to put the other topicals  on. Took a good month and a half to cure. The die off at week 4 was horrid. I actually thought I’d die. Ended up in er. The pain was excruciating. I lived. Hope this helps. I’m not a Dr or telling you to do. This is what I did to cure myself.. It’s what worked for me. Good luck. Gotta change bedding and spray odorless permethrin daily on every surface floor, furniture. Treat dogs with bath and odorless permethrin a few times a week and keep them corralled in one area until clean. About a week. The struggle is real… you are not crazy. Just lazy non researching drs who should all re read the hypocriatic oath again.  And again.

  21. Sherre Westlake Sherre Westlake Canada says:

    I have suffered from demodex caught from a sick dog for a year now. Drs don’t believe me but i fight these lil buggers off 24-7 and can’t get rid of them. They want to encrust me from head to toe and its so inhumane. Please help!!!

  22. Pink Herald Pink Herald United States says:

    Sometimes not knowing which mite you are infested with is the biggest issue, because it could be more than one type. That said, the following has worked for me fighting and winning the bug (mite) wars....and with this combo below, you will win - I promise. I was free of this for years until recently (a cousin visited who has an infestation problem and I have been cleaning for three weeks since - am now 99% free of this again). So stay strong, have faith (pray for help) and know you will overcome.  Good luck and hope this will help many of you.
    DIY BUG OFF Essential Oil Spray (3/4 Water, 1/4 Vodka or Witch Hazel, Tea Tree Oil [24 drops], Eucalyptus Oil [16 drops], Clove Oil [12 drops], Cinnamon [8], Lemongrass [12 drops]). In terms of essential oils - Thyme, Rosemary, Peppermint, Lemon, Cedar can be added too, but the core base I shared WORKS (the rest is your choice), It stinks when you first spray, but then calms down. I spray this spray on floors, furniture, clothing, anything that seems to be a hot spot for the infestation (you will know where that is based on when you are itching or feeling them on your face, in your ears, etc).
    ROLLER BRUSHES: I roll and spray bedding, couches, etc...anyplace they may be lurking. I also roll and spray my clothing that I can't wash (sweaters, dresses, etc - works like a charm).
    VACUUM: HEPA vacuum (miele is my fave, as you can toss the bags when done) works best, as you can toss the bags at the end (Miele is my favorite brand). If you don't want to spend on a HEPA vacuum (or just don't feel like spending the $$), use a type you can empty out and CLEAN with hot water and a solution like AMMONIA and TEA TREE.
    LAUNDRY: I put AMMONIA (at least a cup - during an infestation, sometimes more) in a large hot water wash (hottest cycle you have). I use this on whites and colors. You can find it at the dollar store for $1-3 (cheap, effective solution). If at the start of an infestation, I will also add in a cupful of tea tree oil too. I put BOUNCE sheets in the dryer (for some reason they hate BOUNCE). Personally for detergent, I like using TIDE, but some have better luck with a FREE AND CLEAR detergent. During a mite break out, I am continuously doing laundry of sheets, towels, clothing, etc...
    HAIR AND BODY: All Trader Joe's Tea Tree Oil Products are amazing. I use the Tea Tree Tingle Shampoo, Conditioner and Body Wash when there is a break out. There are other makers of products like these -- as long as there is a base of Tea Tree, you should be in good shape. You can also add Tea Tree with Eucalyptus oil to your favorite shampoos/conditioners/bath water if you don't want to invest in these products. I dry my hair on HIGH HEAT. I will also sometimes throw a little Tea Tree or Eucalyptus oil in my hair when it is dry (rubbing the scalp) to ensure no critters can hang out (I have very long, thick hair).
    EYES: Trader Joes has TEA TREE face wash and wipes that work well. I also use CLIRADEX and OCU SCRUB for my eyes (only if there is a breakout and I can feel them).
    SLEEPING: At night, I have used VICKS VAPO RUB in my ears and nostrils to ward off any bothersome bugs during my sleep.  I also keep a roller brush close by in case I feel anything crawling.
    WINDEX Works PERFECT on Computers, Glasses, Appliances, etc. because the original formula has AMMONIA D in it!
    DAWN dish soap also kills mites.  The only issue is that it won't stave them off in the future -- BUT TEA TREE WILL AND DOES.
    AIR PURIFIER (DYSON works great) or OPEN WINDOWS (get the fresh air in for a half an hour at a time, even in the winter)

  23. Pink Herald Pink Herald United States says:

    Two More Additions to what I wrote above:
    APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (eating it and using it in products for body) helps too.
    RED LIGHT and INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY (you can start with a mask and progress to a larger light machine if you like it). HIGHER DOES sells face masks for $350 that you can use all over your body (and I do -- think CHAKRA wise). It will strengthen your immune system, be good for your skin and kills them off.  JOOV makes larger light machines, but might be more than you are willing to spend to start!

  24. Pink Herald Pink Herald United States says:

    One final addition for the car, closets and drawers -- Activated Charcoal and Bamboo sachet packets/bags can be bought online. In addition to using the DIY Essential Oil Spray that I mentioned in the post above + Windex for windows and fixtures, I leave a packet in the dashboard.  This has helped to keep my car mite free.

  25. Lena Adams Lena Adams United States says:

    I'm so glad I found this site/ forum..
    My son came home with what we were told was headlice.  It wasn't. We had no clue what they were but they are everywhere and in our eyes and hair bad... I had my husband call emsa because I had no clue what was all over all of us and our car was broke down... as soon as emsa showed up they told me I was high and seeing things... the took argued with us for an hour and then took us to a small hospital where the doctor came to the waiting room shined a light in my eyes and told me I was high and there's nothing there... they had dhs waiting  at the hospital and claimed my husband and I are just meth heads and took my son... the dhs worker refused to come to a different hospital where we would have gladly taken a drug test and she took my baby... my 3 yr old son.... now we are fighting these horrible mites and dhs... we only see our baby once a week for an hour and have to fight in court to get him home... because we called for help... these mites have traumatized me. We are trying everything we can find but had to give everything we had to an attorney to get my baby back... iv never done meth iv never even thought about it but these bugs caused me to be labeled as a tweaker...tweaked.... it's so scary we immediately went to a different hospital after they took my baby and the doctor there told us about the mites but just gave us a sodium solution and told us to wipe our eyes with it.... that's it... it didn't work... I'm scared to even try another doctor. I'm so sick of fighting these things all I want is my baby home...

  26. Cashanda Cashanda United States says:

    This is so sad. My son and I are actually going through the same thing with these demodex for a few years now. I have been to multiple hospitals and seen multiple doctors, and they tell me the exact same thing: they don’t see anything and I’m hallucinating. But I know what I feel—things crawling on me, itchiness, a burning sensation, my eyes getting irritated and swollen with styes on them. I have tried everything I could possibly try to get rid of these mites. It has been a devastating, stressful, and irritating problem because it seems like I’m never going to be able to get rid of them. When you go to the doctors, they make it seem like you're hallucinating. Are you using methamphetamine, or you buy all these products and the products do not work, so it’s like, what do you do? One thing I do know, they’re very stressful, very irritating, and annoying. My son, who is three years old, can't sleep at night. He's tossing and turning, jumping, and fidgety because of the mites. I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to make him feel comfortable enough so he can get some sleep, but for some reason, it is just hard for us to get rid of them. I am just so sorry that you have to go through this because I know that you’re not on drugs and I know that you’re not imagining things. I know exactly what you’re going through because I’m actually going through it, and the way that these people make you feel is really terrible. And then, the fact that they took your child is beyond wrong. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I would sue DCFS.

  27. Fausto Chavez Fausto Chavez United States says:

    For the past year-and-a half I have been dealing with what I believe to be demodex mite festation on my head face and neck and back. I will contribute what I learned, and how I was able to save my skin. I’m currently 90% cured and optimistic about my future outcome, though it’s a day-to-day thing. My symptoms, treatment and skin care continue to evolve.
    For a year-and-a-half I struggled with bumps, sores and rashes on my head, neck and face. Initially, I thought it was warts, then for many months thought it was a fungal infection. I treated this supposed fungal infection with many anti-fungal creams, pills, and folk remedies with little success. I also went on an anti fungal diet. I experimented with Sodium Chlorite (MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution) using it topically and orally which helped, but was tricky to work with, as was garlic. Both garlic and MMS have to be used carefully when applied to skin as both will burn skin after more than 20 minutes applied undiluted. The main thing that really worked was baking soda applied topically as a paste, and MMS as topical spot treatment. Baking soda had the advantage of being readily available, cheap and safe, but was a bit messy to use.
    After many moths of trying many anti-fungal creams and diets, they did not help. Ketoconazole cream did help a bit, it is rx in the US, but I was able to get a tube in Mexico where prescription is not required. I went through a tube of ketoconazole that improved my symptoms, but when it ran out, I tried the Nizoral shampoo which did not help (Nizoral shampoo has ketoconazole as an active ingredient). After the nizoral proved ineffective I tried more OTC antifungal creams all to no avail. All the while, I would revert to baking soda and/or sodium chlorite as effective but challenging treatments, but these were no silver bullets, though they did help
    After a year of dealing with this problem, I came across the idea that mites live in the skin and are a source of rosacea and skin problems. The doctor who talked about this claimed that rosacea would improve after sufferers applied ivermectin to their skin thereby killing the microscopic mites (demodex).
    This sounded like a promising lead, so I decided to treat my skin with the new mite infestation hypothesis. A brief search revealed that an insect repellent ingredient I already had in my cabinet was effective in killing skin mites. The ingredient was deet, which I had in the form of wipes from the brand Bug X. These wipes contained 10% deet. So for the next three days I applied these wipes once a day on my affected areas, adding some DMSO to enhance absorption, and leaving it on my skin for about an hour. I should note that on these days I also used apple cider vinegar (diluted with water)  for the first time, separately, also leaving it on for about an hour (later I used ACV undiluted for long periods of time with few side effects). Every day after this new treatment regimen, my skin improved substantially. After the third day, I stopped the use of deet since it’s toxic to humans in large amounts, and I was feeling side effects of lethargy and fatigue. Since then, I’ve only used deet as spot treatment, but continued using apple cider vinegar since my skin seemed to like it with little to no side effects. However, I suspect that the deet is what made the difference, the ACV also seemed to help.
    There are other pesticides available in the form of common insect repellent like permethrin, which I tried but was unsure of the effects since deet and ACV had already done most of the work. The permethrin I tried was possibly too low concentration .25% compared to prescription 5% cream. After my supply of Bug X wipes ran out, I got a bottle of 40% deet from Walmart, which I used as spot treatment.
    My symptoms plateaued, mostly gone but not entirely, since I was leery of using too much neurotoxic pesticide. I also found evidence of scabies on my back and arms and buttox, which were caused by a different species of mites apart from those on my head and face (demodex). I had had symptoms of these scabies for years in the form of small calluses and jet trail patterns but weren’t much of a problem nor did I know what they were (until now).
    Continued research revealed that common prescriptions for scabies and demodex infestations were ivermectin, moxidectin, and metronidazole, which were said to be safe when taken as prescribed. They all require prescription for human consumption but are easy to acquire when intended for pets or animals. You can get all of these on eBay, Amazon and pet supply stores, but marketed and masked under different names. You just have to adjust the dose for your human weight.
    Moxidectin is newer than ivermectin and said to be an improvement, so I bought moxidectin as horse paste dewormer and acquired metronidazole in the form of aquarium fish care product API General Cure, which also contained praziquantel as a secondary ingredient, on eBay for 25$ and 15% respectively. I’ve been using these two products for the past two weeks and my symptoms are almost completely gone (though early on I experienced an outbreak of sores, which I suspect is a reaction from mass die-off.)  Both products can be used orally or topically, but the API General Cure tastes quite bad. Later I was able to get and use ivermectin as well, and added it to my rotation.
    I also started using natural ingredient based insect repellents in the form of sprays and wipes containing clove oil, peppermint, cinnamon oil, etc. These I used more liberally than the synthetic pesticides since they seem safer and smell nice. I could leave these on my skin for long periods of time without irritation.
    I also used bentonite clay (Indian Healing Mask), and also used borax soap scrubs as many people recommend borax soap. I didn't really take to the borax, but I enjoyed using the bentonite clay. A favorite go to technique when all else failed was applying a baking soda (paste) mask and leaving it on for an hour before rinsing. I also used DMSO quite a lot with all the aforementioned ingredients.
    Just recently I started taking full body baths in a tub (for those of us with tubs in our bathroom), with a mix of the aforementioned ingredients (mix-and-match), or premade ingredients like Dr Teals bath products. I hardly have any symptoms now, but I’ve kept up a maintenance regime since I’ve found that symptoms tend to return after a while of doing nothing.

  28. Fausto Chavez Fausto Chavez United States says:

    This week, I started using the API General Cure powder dissolved in water and a few drops of DMSO then applied to my skin (rather than drinking it, as I had been doing) and have noticed a strong reduction of the symptoms (that remained) as a result. The powder paste doesn't burn and can be left for a long time without side effects, there is not much smell and is not too visually noticeable either. The paste can be left on while you get on with your life. The API General cure contains metronidazole and praziquantel, which is doing the trick—this one of best cures I’ve tried so far.

    I'll add that it's important to keep a good overall hygiene especially with regard to towels, sheets, pillows, hats and clothing. I replaced my towels, pillows and pillowcases, started washing my sheets more often, even bought plastic pillow covers. Plus, avoid infecting others through contact and shared use of items.

  29. Deleen Whitaker Deleen Whitaker United Kingdom says:

    Looking forward to know more about demodex mites and to eradicate them from my hair and body.  Also to educate my doctor and dermatologist that these things do exist.

  30. Safire Rose Safire Rose United States says:

    I take two diff allergy meds. Mine started almost 3 yrs ago. I got obsessed cleaning daily since. I get these stinging feelings nd horrible sores from it I shower daily and delint my clothes befor I wear these en my under clothes I already haves d er mayitus. Many scars. When I get out shower and spray rubbing alcohol on my body. I use permethrtis only when it starts. I’m starting to wander if thru water. I can’t wash hair with it runn down my back. I even vacuum the dryer vent ever single load. Vac the floors daily for two yrs. Now clean out basement sprayed  patching pavement aunt intrances. I rent and do lot want a move but down sizing anyway

  31. Safire Rose Safire Rose United States says:

    I take two diff allergy meds. Mine started almost 3 yrs ago. I got obsessed cleaning daily since. I get these stinging feelings nd horrible sores from it I shower daily and delint my clothes befor I wear these en my under clothes I already haves d er mayitus. Many scars. When I get out shower and spray rubbing alcohol on my body. I use permethrtis only when it starts. I’m starting to wander if thru water. I can’t wash hair with it runn down my back. I even vacuum the dryer vent ever single load. Vac the floors daily for two yrs. Now clean out basement sprayed  patching pavement aunt intrances. I rent and do lot want a move but down sizing anyway. I’m also alergic to wheat.

  32. Safire Rose Safire Rose United States says:

    Rubbing alcohol works stings horribly but works. Got rid of all area rugs and washed all  curtains. I got pics of the tiniest clear white mites. Sparkle mites like glitter in carpets. I use permethrin in nostrils.

  33. geo land geo land Spain says:

    Tea Tree Oil works but will not kill them, i got ovante shampoo for my scalp and cream for face treatment, just started using, hope it works.

  34. Renee Lassak Renee Lassak United States says:

    Pairing 50%a cortisone cream with 50%tea tree gets them out of your roaecia fast. Witch hazel and tea tree works for lashes on a q-tip just be easy on the t tree and carefully rub the base of lashes not to get in eyes. For your lips, you’ll know if they’re in there you’ll feel crusty bumps, also cortisone with tea tree, also easy on the tee tree because your lips are delicate. I have a bad infestation in my hair and noting seems to get them out. I’ve used shampoos, tea tree and topical cortisone solution and it doesn’t work and my hair is falling out fast. I’m thinking about using animal ivermectin and fist metronidazole. Can someone tell me how to use it? Dosage and brands please I’m desperate.

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