Kathleen Kalaf has been to hell and back in her long fight with systemic Candida. Today, thanks to a new Candida treatment that is more effective than even the most popular Candida remedies, Kalaf is finally free of the yeast overgrowth that stole eight years of her life -- and she wants other Candida sufferers to know about Candida Force (http://www.candidaforce.com).
Kalaf, who last year founded the nonprofit Candida awareness organization Atlantic Journey to Wellness (http://www.atlanticjourneytowellness.org) to pass on her hard-won knowledge to others battling systemic Candida, had already tried countless products and tactics to heal her body and mind from the damage Candida had wrought.
Even a highly popular brand-name supplement Kalaf tried caused uncomfortable "die-off" symptoms as it killed the Candida, resulting in a buildup of toxins. She called 911 the very first day she began taking that supplement, and was taken by ambulance to the emergency room.
Kalaf began searching for an alternative that would be effective without the temporarily debilitating die-off. She found it in Candida Force. Six times more powerful than the most popular brand on the market, the antifungal Candida Force is much more tolerable for most Candida sufferers because it does not cause significant die-off as it eliminates yeast. Unlike other supplements, Candida Force actually transforms the systemic fungal form of yeast back to its original yeast form, making its elimination possible -- which is a refreshing antidote to other products' claims to kill or starve Candida.
"Now I can eat fruit again, and I love taking saunas and sweat baths," said Kalaf. Candida Force is all-natural, easy to use, safe and maintains its effectiveness over time.
"Candida Force is a godsend," Kalaf explained. "I was stunned at how well Candida Force works, but as I talked to other people living with Candida, I was dismayed to learn they didn't know about Candida Force. Systemic Candida sufferers need to know this is available, it works, and it's backed by a doctor who has spent 25 years researching and practicing functional medicine.
That doctor is Jeffrey S. McCombs, DC. His McCombs Plan combines detoxification and dietary recommendations to rid the body of Candida overgrowth. Kalaf was so impressed with the plan, she contacted Dr. McCombs and offered to help him reach the people who need Candida Force the most -- those searching for a way to heal themselves of systemic Candida.
Dr. McCombs is now the leading expert on systemic Candida, and has published a medical library on systemic Candida which will be available online soon. Dr. McCombs said he had to cast a very wide net to capture all of the research on Candida, and his work will provide certainty to anyone in the medical profession who still questions the existence of systemic Candida. Soon to be at the top of the search engines, Dr. McCombs is the systemic Candida guru.
"The vast majority of Candida sufferers are misdiagnosed by their doctors," said Kalaf, now the Internet Marketing Manager for CandidaForce.com. They're left with no relief or sicker than when they started. So they end up self-diagnosing, usually correctly. But where do they go from there? It's confusing and overwhelming when you first realize you've been dealing with Candida. We want to reach those people and let them know there's a clear path to wellness, and Candida Force is an essential part of their healing."